Arizona state agencies
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Formation | February 14, 1612 |
Jurisdiction |
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Seat of Government | Phoenix, Arizona |
Website | link:// |
Legislative department | |
Legislature | Arizona Legislature |
Seat |
1700 W. WASHINGTON ST. Phoenix, Arizona · 85007 |
Executive department | |
Chief Executive | Governor of Arizona |
Seat |
1700 W. WASHINGTON ST. Phoenix, Arizona · 85007 |
Main organ | Arizona State Council |
Departments | 32 (plus Governor and Lt. Governor) |
Judicial department | |
High Court | Arizona Supreme Court |
Seat |
1501 W. WASHINGTON ST. Phoenix, Arizona · 85007 |
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This article is part of the series: Politics and government of the State of Arizona |
Federal relations
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Arizona |
State Agencies |
Arizona State Agencies are the various State-level Departments, Bureaus, Offices, and other governmental Bodies of the State of Arizona. These entities are divided among the three constitutional Departments, or Branches, of the Arizona State Government: Those Agencies of a legislative Nature are housed in the legislative Department and overseen by the Arizona State Legislature; those that are of an executive or administrative Nature are housed in the executive Department and overseen by the Governor of Arizona of the State of Arizona; and those that are judicial in type are contained within the judicial Department and overseen by the Arizona Supreme Court. Under the system of Arizona constitutional Law, all three constitutional Departments (branches: legislative, executive, and judicial) are co-equal with one another; and while the Governor is considered to be the de facto Head of State (even though he is merely the chief Officer of the executive Department) in addition to the being the de jure Head of Government, no one Department is more or less powerful or authoritative than the other two.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui.
Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ac dui quis mi consectetuer lacinia.
Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Sed aliquam ultrices mauris. Integer ante arcu, accumsan a, consectetuer eget, posuere ut, mauris. Praesent adipiscing. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc. Nunc nonummy metus. Vestibulum volutpat pretium libero. Cras id dui. Aenean ut eros et nisl sagittis vestibulum. Nullam nulla eros, ultricies sit amet, nonummy id, imperdiet feugiat, pede. Sed lectus. Donec mollis hendrerit risus. Phasellus nec sem in justo pellentesque facilisis. Etiam imperdiet imperdiet orci. Nunc nec neque. Phasellus leo dolor, tempus non, auctor et, hendrerit quis, nisi.
Curabitur ligula sapien, tincidunt non, euismod vitae, posuere imperdiet, leo. Maecenas malesuada. Praesent congue erat at massa. Sed cursus turpis vitae tortor. Donec posuere vulputate arcu. Phasellus accumsan cursus velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed aliquam, nisi quis porttitor congue, elit erat euismod orci, ac placerat dolor lectus quis orci. Phasellus consectetuer vestibulum elit. Aenean tellus metus, bibendum sed, posuere ac, mattis non, nunc. Vestibulum fringilla pede sit amet augue. In turpis. Pellentesque posuere. Praesent turpis.
Aenean posuere, tortor sed cursus feugiat, nunc augue blandit nunc, eu sollicitudin urna dolor sagittis lacus. Donec elit libero, sodales nec, volutpat a, suscipit non, turpis. Nullam sagittis. Suspendisse pulvinar, augue ac venenatis condimentum, sem libero volutpat nibh, nec pellentesque velit pede quis nunc. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce id purus. Ut varius tincidunt libero. Phasellus dolor. Maecenas vestibulum mollis diam. Pellentesque ut neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
State of Arizona | Legislative Department[edit | edit source]
Arizona State Legislature
Main article: Arizona State Legislature
The Arizona State Legislature is the state Legislature of the State of Arizona. A bicameral Legislature, it is composed of a 30-member upper house styled the Senate and a 60-member lower house called the House of Representatives. Members of the Senate are called Senators, and those of the House of Representatives are called Representatives. Both the Senate and House of Representatives are equal partners in the legislative process; however, each body possesses certain powers that the other does not. For example, the Senate must give “advice and consent” to all gubernatorial appointments before the appointments may take effect, and in like manner the Senate must also ratify treaties signed by the Governor before they may be executed; furthermore, all revenue-raising bills must originate in the House of Representatives, while all spending bills must originate in the Senate (but the other house may propose and adopt amendments, as in other bills).
The Senate was intended to be more of a sober and stable body that was less in tune with popular passion and whimsy, while the House of Representatives was designed to be closer to the People and more in tune with their needs of the day. The reasoning behind this was that, while the House would be more responsive to the People’s passion of the day, the Senate would act as a more clear-headed and wise body that would serve to limit the populism of the House of Representatives: Not only are there checks and balanaces between the three branches of the Arizona State Government, but also there are checks and balances between the two branches of the Arizona State Legislature.
Senate[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Senate
The Arizona Senate is the upper house of the Arizona State Legislature. It is composed of thirty Members chosen by the Electorate in each of the fifteen Counties of the State, with each County choosing between one and three Senators (more populous Counties choose more Senators), but each County is entitled to choose at least one Senator. Senators are elected to a Term of six Years, and elections are staggered so that every two Years one-third of the Seats in the Senate (10 seats) are up for election.
- Office of President
President: Blake Masters
President pro Tempore: AABB- Office of Secretary
Secretary: AABB - Office of Sergeant-at-Arms
Sergeant-at-Arms: AABB - Office of Parliamentarian
Parliamentarian: AABB - Office of Chaplain
Chaplain: AABB
- Office of Secretary
- Office of Majority Leader
Majority Leader: AABB- Office of Majority Whip
Majority Whip: AABB
- Office of Majority Whip
- Office of Minority Leader
Minority Leader: AABB- Office of Minority Whip
Minority Whip: AABB
- Office of Minority Whip
House of Representatives[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona House of Representatives
The Arizona House of Representatives is the lower house of the Arizona State Legislature. It is composed of sixty Members chosen in each of the thirty Legislative Districts (two Representatives are chosen in each District), who are elected to a Term of two Years; and, unlike in the Senate, all sixty Seats in the House of Representatives are up for election every two Years.
- Office of Speaker
Speaker: AABB
Speaker pro Tempore: AABB- Office of Clerk
Clerk: AABB - Office of Sergeant-at-Arms
Sergeant-at-Arms: AABB - Office of Parliamentarian
Parliamentarian: AABB - Office of Chaplain
Chaplain: AABB
- Office of Clerk
- Office of Majority Leader
Majority Leader: AABB- Office of Majority Whip
Majority Whip: AABB
- Office of Majority Whip
- Office of Minority Leader
Minority Leader: AABB- Office of Minority Whip
Minority Whip: AABB
- Office of Minority Whip
Arizona Legislative Agencies
Agencies within the Legislative department are subordinate to the Legislature. These agencies are:
Arizona Capitol Mall Commission[edit | edit source]
96px Main article: Arizona Capitol Mall Commission
Joint Legislative Audit Committee[edit | edit source]
96px Main article: Joint Legislative Audit Committee (Arizona)
Joint Legislative Budget Committee[edit | edit source]
96px Main article: Arizona Joint Legislative Budget Committee
Legislative Council[edit | edit source]
96px Main article: Arizona Legislative Council (State)
The Arizona Legislative Council is a statutory committee of the Legislature chaired in alternate years by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives and includes six additional members from each chamber. The Council staff provide a variety of nonpartisan bill drafting, research, computer and other administrative services to all of the members of both houses of the Legislature.
Under the direction of an Executive Director appointed by the Council, the staff of the Council:
- Prepare all bills, memorials and resolutions and numerous amendments for consideration during each legislative session.
- Review every law passed by the Legislature, make clerical corrections and draft explanatory notes where appropriate before delivering for publication.
- Perform legal research at the request of legislators.
- Publish annual editions of the following reports: Arizona Legislative Bill Drafting Manual, the Annual Report on Defects in the Arizona Revised Statutes and State Constitution and the Digest of Laws.
- Perform the enrolling and engrossing of bills, memorials and resolutions.
- Provide information technology support for the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Joint Legislative Budget Committee.
- Maintain an Internet site for the Legislature. The site provides a variety of detailed information regarding the content and status of bills and the activities of legislative committees.
- Provide management and other support services for various legislative buildings and properties.
Arizona News Service[edit | edit source]
96px Main article: Arizona News Service
State of Arizona | Executive Department[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona State Executive Department
The Arizona State Executive Department is the executive branch of the Arizona State Government. Headed by the Governor of Arizona, the primary organ of the Executive is the Arizona State Council, which is the name by which the State cabinet is styled. The Arizona State Council is composed of the Governor, as president and chair, and the thirty State executive departments. The Governor chairs meetings of the State Council, and as chief Executive he makes all final decisions. If the Governor is incapacitated, killed, absent from the State, or otherwise unable to execute the Powers and Duties of his Office, the President of the Arizona Senate deputizes in his stead for the duration of the disability, including chairing meetings of the Arizona State Council.
Arizona State Council[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona State Council
The State Council of the State of Arizona is a body in the executive part (branch) of the Arizona State Government, composed of the Governor and the principle Officer in each of the executive Departments and Agencies of the Arizona State Government. The State Council is the functional equivalent of a presidential Cabinet; and is responsible for executing the Constitution and laws of Arizona and the Constitution and laws of the United States throughout the State, and for carrying on the day-to-day government (governance) of the State.
Qualifications[edit | edit source]
Under Arizona law, no Person, having been convicted under State law for treason, felony, or domestic violence, is eligible to any Office of Profit or Trust in or under the State of Arizona or any place subject to its jurisdiction. This includes all Offices in or under the State of Arizona of an elected or appointive nature, at all levels of Government, from municipal, to county, to State, as well as school boards and other special-government entities. This qualification also equally extends and applies to offices at the Federal-level with the offices of Senator and Representative, respectively, in Congress. However, qualifications for Governor-General are regulated entirely at the Federal-level by way of the United States Constitution and constitutionally-authorized Acts of Congress.
Titles and styles[edit | edit source]
The Head of each Department is the Secretary, officially the “Secretary of the Department of (portfolio)”: Howevever, the exceptions to this rule are the Head of the Department of the Attorney-General (the Attorney-General of the State); the Head of the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (Superintendent of AHCCCS); the Head of the Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency (Superintendent of ARRA); and the Heads of the Corporation Commission (Commissioners).
The style for the Secretaries and Superintedents is, “Secretary/Superintendent”; while the honorific for both is in the form, “The Honorable [name], Secretary/Superintendent of [agency]”.
However, the style for the Governor is in the form, “Governor”; while the honorific are in the forms, “The Honorable [name], Governor of the State of Arizona”, and, “His/Her Excellency, the Governor of the State of Arizona”.
Members and role[edit | edit source]
The Arizona State Council is composed of the Governor and the Heads of the thirty (30) principal State agencies, and exercises the regulatory and executive Powers of the State under the direction, supervision, and control of the Governor. The Governor is Head of the State Council and, and such, presides over all meetings of the State Council; appoints (with Senate confirmation) and dismisses (on his own prerogative) Heads of the principal State agencies; and directs, supervises, and controls the thirty principal State agencies vis-á-vis their Heads sitting in the State Council.
Agencies and offices[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona State Executive Department
Office of Governor[edit | edit source]
Main article: Governor of Arizona
- Website: link://
The Governor is Arizona’s head of State and head of Government, and, as such, she is both the chief public Representative of the State and the head of the Arizona Executive Department (executive branch of the Arizona State Government); all executive Power of the State of Arizona is vested in the Office of Governor. In addition, the Governor is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Arizona State Guard; Colonel-in-Chief of the Arizona State Troopers; and, during Emergencies and other extra-ordinary Situations, has the Power to take Command of any or all county Sheriff’s Offices, municipal Police departments, and special-purpose law enforcement Agencies in the State. The primary Responsibilities of the Governor are to—
- Preserve, protect, defend, and guarantee the State Constitution and the entire System of Arizona’s constitutional Law;
- Ensure that all State and Federal laws are duly and diligently enforced (provided they are not unconstitutional);
- Ensure that the Charters, Ordinances, and Regulations of the various political Subdivisions of Arizona[1] are in full compliance with the Constitution and Laws of Arizona;
- Preserve, protect, and maintain the Peace, Order, and good Government (“POGG”) of the State, and in like Manner the public Health, Safety, and Welfare of the People;
- Preserve, protect, and defend, against all Enemies, foreign and domestic, the territorial Integrity of the State; and in like Manner the Independence, Sovereignty, and Security of Arizona;
- Preserve, protect, and defend the individual Liberty of all Arizonans;
- Accredit Arizona’s high Commissioners and Ambassadors; and receive similar Diplomats from other States, the United States, and from foreign States;
- Issue Arizona passports;—And
- Bestow State awards and honors.
Assisted and advised by the Heads of the various executive Departments and Agencies, the Governor ensures that the Law is duly and diligently enforced throughout the State, and guarantees to every Person within Arizona the equal protection of those Laws.
- Office of Governor
Governor: Kari Lake- Executive Office of Governor
Chief Special Assistant and
Chief of Staff to the Governor: AABB- Executive Military Office
Special Assistant for Military Affairs: AABB - Executive Counselor’s Office
Counselor to the Governor: AABB - Executive Communication Office
Special Assistant for Public Information: AABB - Executive Medical Unit
Special Assistant for the Medical Unit: AABB - Executive Mess
Director: AABB - Executive Transport Office
Special Assistant for Transport: AABB- Executive Airlift Group
Director: AABB - Phoenix Helicopter Squadron One
Director: AABB
- Executive Airlift Group
- Executive Staff Secretary’s Office
Special Assistant for Staff Affairs: AABB- Office of Gubernatorial Correspondence
Director: AABB - Office of Executive Clerk
Executive Clerk: AABB
- Office of Gubernatorial Correspondence
- Office of Management and Budget
Special Assistant for Management and Budget: AABB - Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
Director: AABB
- Executive Military Office
- Office of Security and Intelligence
Director: AABB - Office for State–Commonwealth Intergovernmental Cooperation
Executive Director: AABB- Executive Policy Cooperation Working Group
Co-chair (State): AABB, Chief of Staff to the Governor
Co-chair (Commonwealth): AABB, Chief of Staff to the King
Representatives (State):
Kari Lake, The Governor
Blake Masters, The Lieutenant-Governor
Abe Hamadeh, Attorney-General
AABB, Secretary (State & Foreign Affairs)
AABB, Secretary (First Nation Affairs)
AABB, Secretary (Supernatural Affairs)
AABB, Secretary (Treasury)
AABB, Secretary (Administration)
Representatives (Commonwealth):
AABB, The King
AABB, The King’s Deputy
AABB, Attorney-General
AABB, Secretary of State (Foreign Affairs)
AABB, Secretary of State (Treasury)
AABB, Secretary of State (General Services) - Civil Defense Cooperation Working Group
Co-chair (State): AABB, Chief of Staff to the Governor
Co-chair (Commonwealth): AABB, Chief of Staff to the King
Representatives (State):
AABB, Secretary (Civil Defense)
AABB, Secretary (Military Affairs)
AABB, Secretary (State & Foreign Affairs)
Abe Hamadeh, Attorney-General
Mark Lamb, Secretary (Public Safety)
AABB, Secretary (Fire, Building, & Life Safety)
AABB, Secretary (Radiation Regulatory Agency)
AABB, Secretary (Health Services)
AABB, Secretary (Health Care Cost Containment System)
AABB, Secretary (Economic Security)
AABB, Secretary (Housing)
AABB, Secretary (Agriculture)
AABB, Secretary (Energy Resources)
AABB, Secretary (Water Resources)
AABB, Secretary (Land & Natural Resources)
AABB, Secretary (First Nation Affairs)
AABB, Secretary (Supernatural Affairs)
Representatives (Commonwealth):
AABB, Secretary of State (Public Safety & National Defense)
AABB, Attorney-General
AABB, Secretary of State (Medicine & Sanitation)
AABB, Secretary of State (General Services)
AABB, Secretary of State (Foreign Affairs) - Economic and Commerce Cooperation Working Group
Co-chair (State): AABB, Chief of Staff to the Governor
Co-chair (Commonwealth): AABB, Chief of Staff to the King
Representatives (State):
AABB, Secretary (Commerce & Industry)
AABB, Secretary (Banking & Insurance)
AABB, Secretary (Revenue)
AABB, Secretary (Treasury)
AABB, Secretary (Agriculture)
Laura Roslin, Secretary (Education)
AABB, Secretary (Economic Security)
AABB, Secretary (Energy Resources)
AABB, Secretary (Water Resources)
AABB, Secretary (Land & Natural Resources)
Abe Hamadeh, Attorney-General
Representatives (Commonwealth):
AABB, Secretary of State (General Services)
AABB, Secretary of State (Treasury)
AABB, Secretary of State (Education)
AABB, Attorney-General - Educational Cooperation Working Group
Co-chair (State): AABB, Chief of Staff to the Governor
Co-chair (Commonwealth): AABB, Chief of Staff to the King
Representatives (State):
Laura Roslin, Secretary (Education)
Abe Hamadeh, Attorney-General
Representatives (Commonwealth):
AABB, Secretary of State (Education)
AABB, Attorney-General - Fiscal and Monetary Cooperation Working Group
Co-chair (State): AABB, Chief of Staff to the Governor
Co-chair (Commonwealth): AABB, Chief of Staff to the King
Representatives (State):
AABB, Secretary (Treasury)
AABB, Secretary (Revenue)
AABB, Secretary (Banking & Insurance)
Abe Hamadeh, Attorney-General
Representatives (Commonwealth):
AABB, Secretary of State (Treasury)
AABB, Secretary of State (General Services)
AABB, Attorney-General - Health and Welfare Cooperation Working Group
Co-chair (State): AABB, Chief of Staff to the Governor
Co-chair (Commonwealth): AABB, Chief of Staff to the King
Representatives (State):
AABB, Secretary (Health Services)
AABB, Secretary (Economic Security)
AABB, Secretary (Health Care Cost Containment System)
AABB, Secretary (Agriculture)
Laura Roslin, Secretary (Education)
Mark Lamb, Secretary (Public Safety)
AABB, Secretary (Civil Defense)
AABB, Secretary (Military Affairs)
Abe Hamadeh, Attorney-General
Representatives (Commonwealth):
AABB, Secretary of State (Medicine & Sanitation)
AABB, Secretary of State (Public Safety & National Defense)
AABB, Secretary of State (General Services)
AABB, Secretary of State (Education)
AABB, Attorney-General - Police and Judicial Cooperation Working Group
Co-chair (State): AABB, Chief of Staff to the Governor
Co-chair (Commonwealth): AABB, Chief of Staff to the King
Representatives (State):
Abe Hamadeh, Attorney-General
Mark Lamb, Secretary (Public Safety)
AABB, Secretary (Corrections)
AABB, Secretary (Liquor Licenses & Control)
AABB, Secretary (Treasury)
AABB, Chief Justice (Supreme Court)
Representatives (Commonwealth):
AABB, Attorney-General
AABB, Secretary of State (Public Safety & National Defense)
AABB, Secretary of State (Medicine & Sanitation)
AABB, Secretary of State (General Services)
AABB, Secretary of State (Treasury)
AABB, Chief Justice (Supreme Court)
- Executive Policy Cooperation Working Group
- Executive Office of Governor
Office of Lieutenant-Governor[edit | edit source]
Main article: Lieutenant-Governor of Arizona
- Website: link://
The Lieutenant-Governor of Arizona is the first deputy of the Governor of the State. Elected on the same ticket, and to the same term as the Governor, the Lieutenant-Governor is first in line to the Governorship, and as such the Powers and Duties of the Office of Governor devolve upon the Lieutenant-Governor in case of Death, Incapacitation, or other Disability of the Governor which prevents him from carrying out the duties and responsibilities of his Office. However, while being the principal deputy to the Governor, the main, day-to-day responsibility of the Lieutenant-Governor is serving as the President of the State Senate; and as such, the Lieutenant-Governor is first and foremost considered an active member of the Legislative Department and not an officer housed within the Executive Department. When the Lieutenant-Governor is tasked with exercising the Powers and Duties of the Office of Governor, the State Senate elects from their own number a President pro Tempore, who carries out the Powers and Duties of the Lieutenant-Governor pertaining to his role as Senate President, until such time as the Lieutenant-Governor returns to the Senate as their President, or until a new Governor and Lieutenant-Governor are elected and sworn in.
Department of State and Foreign Affairs[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of State and Foreign Affairs
- Website: link://
The Arizona Department of State and Foreign Affairs, usually shortened to "Department of State", is the State's combined foreign, elections, records and archives, notary-public, trademark registration, and copy certification (certified copies) ministry. Among other responsibilities, the Department is tasked with carrying out the Governor's foreign Policy and the United States' Common Foreign Policy, as well as ensuring the proper functioning of all State, county, local, and Federal electoral systems within Arizona. The Department is headed by a Secretary of State and Foreign Affairs, commonly known as "Secretary of State". After the Governor, the Secretary of State and Foreign Affairs is the most senior member of in the Executive Department. However, the Secretary of State is not the first in the gubernatorial order of succession; rather, the President of the Arizona Senate, in his dual-hat role as Lieutenant-Governor, is first in line to succeed to the Office of Governor in the event that the duly elected Governor is killed, incapacitated, is absent from the State (during such absence, the Lieutenant-Governor serves only as Acting Governor until the elected Governor returns to the State), or is otherwise unable to execute the Powers and Duties of his Office. XXXX
- Arizona Department of State and Foreign Affairs
Secretary of the Department of State and Foreign Affairs: AABB
Senior Assistant and Chief of Staff: AABB
Senior Undersecretary: AABB- Division of Intergovernmental Affairs
Undersecretary for Intergovernmental Affairs: AABB- Arizona Mission to the United States
Arizona Minister to the United States: AABB - Arizona Mission to Alabama
Arizona Minister to Alabama: AABB - Arizona Mission to Alaska
Arizona Minister to Alaska: AABB - Arizona Mission to Arkansas
Arizona Minister to Arkansas: AABB - Arizona Mission to Florida
Arizona Minister to Florida: AABB - Arizona Mission to Georgia
Arizona Minister to Georgia: AABB - Arizona Mission to Idaho
Arizona Minister to Idaho: AABB - Arizona Mission to Indiana
Arizona Minister to Indiana: AABB - Arizona Mission to Iowa
Arizona Minister to Iowa: AABB - Arizona Mission to Kansas
Arizona Minister to Kansas: AABB - Arizona Mission to Kentucky
Arizona Minister to Kentucky: AABB - Arizona Mission to Louisiana
Arizona Minister to Louisiana: AABB - Arizona Mission to Mississippi
Arizona Minister to Mississippi: AABB - Arizona Mission to Missouri
Arizona Minister to Missouri: AABB - Arizona Mission to Montana
Arizona Minister to Montana: AABB - Arizona Mission to Nebraska
Arizona Minister to Nebraska: AABB - Arizona Mission to New Mexico
Arizona Minister to New Mexico: AABB - Arizona Mission to North Carolina
Arizona Minister to North Carolina: AABB - Arizona Mission to North Dakota
Arizona Minister to North Dakota: AABB - Arizona Mission to Ohio
Arizona Minister to Ohio: AABB - Arizona Mission to Oklahoma
Arizona Minister to Oklahoma: AABB - Arizona Mission to South Carolina
Arizona Minister to South Carolina: AABB - Arizona Mission to South Dakota
Arizona Minister to South Dakota: AABB - Arizona Mission to Tennessee
Arizona Minister to Tennessee: AABB - Arizona Mission to Texas
Arizona Minister to Texas: AABB - Arizona Mission to Utah
Arizona Minister to Utah: AABB - Arizona Mission to West Virginia
Arizona Minister to West Virginia: AABB - Arizona Mission to Wyoming
Arizona Minister to Wyoming: AABB
- Arizona Mission to the United States
- Division of Foreign Affairs
Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs: AABB - Division of Elections
Undersecretary for Elections: AABB - Division of Business Services
Undersecretary for Business Services: AABB - Division of Public Services
Undersecretary for Public Services: AABB - Division of Library, Archives and Public Records
Undersecretary for Library, Archives, and Public Records: AABB- Arizona State Library
Chief Librarian, Arizona State Library: AABB - Arizona State Archives
State Archivist: AABB - Arizona County Librarians
Executive Director, Arizona County Librarians: AABB - Arizona Board of Library Examiners
Chairman, Arizona Board of Library Examiners: AABB - Advisory Board of the Division of Library, Archives and Public Records
Chairman: AABB - Arizona Historical Advisory Commission
Director, Arizona Historical Advisory Committee: AABB - Arizona Historical Records Advisory Board
Chairman, Arizona Historical Advisory Board: AABB - Arizona Board on Geographic and Historic Names
Chairman, Arizona Board on Geographic and Historical Names: AABB
- Arizona State Library
- Division of Intergovernmental Affairs
Department of the Attorney-General[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of the Attorney-General
- Website: link://
The Arizona Department of the Attorney-General is responsible for providing legal counsel to the State and to local governments on all matters of State and Federal law. The Department is also the State-level prosecutor's office; however, the fifteen County-Attorney offices carry out most of this responsibility: for the most part, the Department of the Attorney-General would only take on the role of prosecutor in extraordinary circumstances and for extraordinary crimes, such as investigating corruption in one of the County-Attorney offices or investigating corruption in the offices of senior State officers, or prosecuting the crime of treason. However, the Department of the Attorney-General is responsible for prosecuting federal offenses. The Department of the Attorney-General is headed by the Attorney-General of Arizona. The AG must be an attorney licensed by the State Bar of Arizona and have had practiced Law in Arizona for at least five Years prior to his appointment as Attorney-General and, like every State or local Officer, must have not been convicted, under Arizona law, of Treason, Felony, or domestic Violence.
The post of Attorney-General is a powerful one, especially in that the AG may issue advisory opinions on Matters of State and Federal law, which are binding unless and until overridden by the Legislature or the Courts; however, opinions issued by the Arizona AG on Matters of Federal Law may also be overridden by the United States Attorney-General.
The Department is also the primary enforcer of Arizona’s antitrust, consumer Fraud, organized Crime, and civil Rights laws. This gives the Attorney-General significant ability to shape public Policy. The Department also prosecutes administrative disciplinary Actions against Doctors, Dentists, real estate Agents, licensed Contractors, and others who hold occupational Licenses.
The Attorney-General, both personally and through the Department of the Attorney-General, also plays an important, but not exclusive Role in criminal law Enforcement: In Arizona, most Crimes are initially Tried at the County-level in superior Court by elected County Attorneys and their Staffs. Appeals of criminal Convictions are, however, typically handled by the Department of the Attorney-General to ensure Statewide consistency on important legal Issues. In addition, the Attorney-General has supervisory Powers over County Attorneys and can take over local criminal Prosecutions at the request of the Governor or County —this usually occurs when a County Attorney has a conflict of Interest.
- Arizona Department of the Attorney-General
Attorney-General: Abe Hamadeh
Senior Assistant and Chief of Staff: AABB- Attorney-General Secretariat
Senior Undersecretary: AABB - Operations Division
Assistant Attorney-General for Operations: Leslie Welch - Communications Division
Assistant Attorney-General for Communications: Ryan Anderson - Civil Division
Assistant Attorney-General for Civil Affairs: Paul Watkins - Criminal Division
Assistant Attorney-General for Criminal Affairs: Paul Ahler - Child and Family Protection Division
Assistant Attorney-General for Child and Family Protection: John Johnson - Constitutional Litigation Division
Assistant Attorney-General for Constitutional Litigation: AABB - State Government Division
Assistant Attorney-General for State Government Affairs: Dawn Northup - Immigration Division
Assistant Attorney-General for Immigration: AABB- Office of Chief Administrative Hearing Officer
Chief Administrative Hearing Officer: AABB - Office of Chief Immigration Judge
Chief Immigration Judge: AABB - Board of Immigration Appeals
Chairman: AABB - Office of Administration
Director, Administration: AABB - Office of Information Technology
Director, Information Technology - Office of Policy
Director, Policy: AABB
- Office of Chief Administrative Hearing Officer
- Attorney-General Secretariat
Department of Public Safety[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Public Safety
- Website: link://
The Department of Public Safety, also known as the “Arizona State Troopers”, is responsible for maintaining law and order throughout the State. However, in practice, much of this responsibility is carried out by the fifteen Sheriff's Offices and the numerous municipal and specialist police agencies. The Department of Public Safety is, however, vested with primary jurisdiction over certain, specific offenses, and exclusive enforcement authority over various statutes (primarily those which pertain to immigration, customs, foreign affairs, national security, trans-national crime, arms and human smuggling, white-collar crime, and financial crimes); and is vested with exclusive jurisdiction, both investigative and enforcement, over all State property, State facilities (including State military installations), and State Lands. DPS coordinate with the Department of Military Affairs on security matters for Arizona embassies and Arizona ambassadors abroad, and military support of civil authorities; as well as coordinating with the Department of Civil Defense on matters of emergency management, civil defense, continuity of government, counterterrorism, and homeland security.
Also a gendarmerie force, the Department of Public Safety have a wide-ranging mandate, however the Agency has delegated many of its responsibilities to county Sheriffs and municipal Police.
The Department of Public Safety is under the command of the Secretary of the Department of Public Safety, with the rank of Colonel, who is appointed by the Governor, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Arizona Senate. The Secretary is assisted by a Senior Undersecretary, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, appointed by the Governor on the recommendation of the Secretary. The Department is composed of seven primary divisions - State Patrol (formerly Highway Patrol); Criminal Investigations; Technical Services; Agency Support; Homeland Security; Criminal Justice; and the Secretary’s Office. The seven program Divisions are each headed by an Undersecretary, each with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
- Arizona Department of Public Safety
Secretary of the Department of Public Safety: Col. Mark Lamb
Senior Assistant and Chief of Staff: AABB- Office of the Secretary of the Department
Senior Undersecretary: AdjCol. Heston Silbert- Agency Ombudsman
Obudsman: AABB - Office of the Budget
Deputy Secretary for the Budget: AABB - Government Liaison Section
Deputy Secretary for Government Liaison: AABB - Management Services and Training Section
Deputy Secretary for Management Services and Training: AABB - Office of Public Information
Deputy Secretary for Public Information: AABB - Professional Standards Unit
Deputy Secretary for Professional Standards AABB - Executive Security Unit
Deputy Secretary for Executive Security: Maj. AABB
- Agency Ombudsman
- Criminal Investigations Division
Undersecretary for Criminal Investigations: LtCol. Ken Hunter- Investigations Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB - Narcotics and Organized Crime Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB - Gang Enforcement Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB - Rocky Mountain Information Network
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB
- Investigations Bureau
- State Patrol Division
Undersecretary for State Patrol: LtCol. Dan Lugo- North Patrol Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB- District One (Kingman)
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - District Two (Flagstaff)
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - District Three (Holbrook)
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - District Eleven (Globe)
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - District Twelve (Prescott)
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB
- District One (Kingman)
- South Patrol Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB- District Four (Yuma)
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - District Six (Casa Grande)
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - District Eight (Tucson)
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - District Nine (Sierra Vista)
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - District Seventeen (Tucson: Night Watch)
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB
- District Four (Yuma)
- Metropolitan Patrol Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB- District Five (Metro: Central)
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - District Seven (Metro: Motors)
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - District Thirteen (Metro: East)
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - District Fourteen (Metro: West)
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - District Eighteen (Metro: South)
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - District Nineteen (Phoenix: Night Watch)
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB
- District Five (Metro: Central)
- Special Enforcement Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB- District Ten (Capitol District)
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - Commercial Vehicle Enforcement - North
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - Commercial Vehicle Enforcement - South
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - Aviation Unit
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - Transportation Security Unit
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - Immigration Enforcement Unit
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - Crime Scene Response Unit
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB
- District Ten (Capitol District)
- Wildlife Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB- Wildlife Troopers, North District
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - Wildlife Troopers, Central District
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - Wildlife Troopers, South District
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB
- Wildlife Troopers, North District
- Border Protection Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB- Border Troopers, North District
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - Border Troopers, Central District
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - Border Troopers, South District
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB
- Border Troopers, North District
- Strategic Response Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB- SRU, Apache County
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - SRU, Cochise County
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - SRU, Coconino County
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - SRU, Gila County
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - SRU, Graham County
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - SRU, Greenlee County
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - SRU, La Paz County
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - SRU, Maricopa County
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - SRU, Mohave County
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - SRU, Navajo County
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - SRU, Pima County
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - SRU, Pinal County
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - SRU, Santa Cruz County
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - SRU, Yavapai County
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - SRU, Yuma County
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB
- SRU, Apache County
- North Patrol Bureau
- Criminal Justice Division
Undersecretary for Criminal Justice: LtCol. AABB- Community Corrections Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB - Justice Assistance Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB - Research, Analysis, & Statistics Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB - Victims Programs Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB - Domestic & Sexual Offender Management Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB
- Community Corrections Bureau
- National Security Division
Undersecretary for National Security: LtCol. Brenda Leigh Johnson- Arizona Security Intelligence Agency
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB - Counter Terrorism Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB
- Arizona Security Intelligence Agency
- Technical Services Division
Undersecretary for Technical Services: LtCol. Jeffrey Raynor- Compliance and Information Services Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB - Records and Identification Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB - Wireless Systems Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB - Information Technology Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB - Operational Communications Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB - Scientific Analysis Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB - Material Resources Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB
- Compliance and Information Services Bureau
- Agency Support Division
Undersecretary for Agency Support: LtCol. Andy Vazquez- Logistics Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB - Management Services Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB - Human Resources Bureau
Commanding Officer: Maj. AABB - Aviation Bureau
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB - Procurement Unit
Commanding Officer: Capt. AABB
- Logistics Bureau
- Office of the Secretary of the Department
Department of Civil Defense[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Civil Defense
- Website: link://
The Arizona Department of Civil Defense (AZ/DCD) is the Executive department responsible for the civil defense, emergency mangement, and continuity of government plans for the State of Arizona. Headed by the Secretary of the Arizona Department of Civil Defense, the Department is composed of NUM sub-components, namely the Office of the Secretary, the Civil Defense Secretariat, and the XXXX.
Department of Military Affairs[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Military Affairs
- Website: link://
The Arizona Department of Military Affairs (AZ/DMA) is the Executive department responsible for the military defense of the State of Arizona. Headed by the Secretary of the Arizona Department of Military Affairs, the Department is composed of three sub-components, namely the Office of the Secretary, the Military Affairs Secretariat, and the Arizona Military Establishment.
The Military Affairs Secretariat, which falls under the direct control of the Office of the Secretary of the Department, provides the Department with administrative support, such as personnel management, accounting and budgeting, general counsel, and departmental records and archives.
The Arizona Military Establishment, which serves as the State’s armed forces, is composed of the Arizona State Guard, which, in turn, is composed of the Arizona Land Guard, the Arizona Air Guard, the Arizona Ranger Corps, the Arizona Transportation Command, and the Arizona Special Services Command, and various civilian component agencies.
- Arizona Department of Military Affairs
Secretary of the Department of Military Affairs: Michael T. McGuire
Senior Assistant and Chief of Staff: AABB- Military Affairs Secretariat | Senior Undersecretary: AABB
- Office of Public Information
Deputy Secretary, Public Information: AABB- Office for Internal Communications
Assistant Secretary, Internal Communications: AABB
- Office for Internal Communications
- Office of Intergovernmental Affairs
Deputy Secretary, Intergovernmental Affairs: AABB - Office of Compliance and Accountability
Deputy Secretary, Compliance and Accountability: AABB- Office of the Chief Audit Officer
Chief Audit Officer: AABB - Office of the Chief Compliance Officer
Chief Compliance Officer: AABB
- Office of the Chief Audit Officer
- Bureau of Human Resources
Deputy Secretary, Human Resources: AABB- Human Resources Unit
Assistant Secretary, Personnel: AABB - Equal Employment Opportunity Unit
Assistant Secretary, Employment: AABB - Security and Emergency Planning Unit
Assistant Secretary, Security: AABB - Library Unit
Chief Librarian: AABB
- Human Resources Unit
- Bureau of Policy, Management, and Planning
Deputy Secretary, Policy, Management, & Planning: AABB- Internal Review and Evaluation Unit
Assistant Secretary, Evaluation: AABB - General Counsel Unit
General Counsel: AABB - Facilities and Administrative Services Unit
Assistant Secretary, Facilities: AABB - Department Ethics Unit
Assistant Secretary, Ethics: AABB - Procurement Services Unit
Assistant Secretary, Procurement: AABB - Records Management Policy Unit
Assistant Secretary, Records: AABB
- Internal Review and Evaluation Unit
- Office of Administration
Deputy Secretary, Administration: AABB - Bureau for Policy
Deputy Secretary for Policy: AABB- DMA Security Assistance Agency
Director: AABB - DMA Policy Board Advisory Committee
Chair: AABB - DMA Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office
Director: AABB - DMA Technology Security Agency
Director: AABB
- DMA Security Assistance Agency
- Bureau for Personnel and Readiness
Deputy Secretary for Personnel and Readiness: AABB- Office for Health Affairs
Assistant Secretary, Health Affairs: AABB- State Guard Health Service
Director: AABB - State Guard Health Service Management Activity
Director: AABB
- State Guard Health Service
- DMA Commissary Agency
Director: AABB - DMA Human Resources Office
Assistant Secretary, Human Resources: AABB - DMA Equal Opportunity Management Office
Assistant Secretary, Equal Opportunity: AABB
- Office for Health Affairs
- Bureau for Education
Deputy Secretary for Education: AABB- State Guard University | Prescott
Director: AABB - Arizona Land Guard Academy | Tucson
Director: AABB - Arizona Air Guard Academy | Glendale
Director: AABB - Arizona Ranger Corps Academy | Yuma
Director: AABB
- State Guard University | Prescott
- Bureau for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
Deputy Secretary for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics: AABB- Office for Acquisition
Assistant Secretary, Acquisition: AABB- DMA Acquisition University
President: AABB - DMA Contract Management Agency
Director: AABB
- DMA Acquisition University
- Office for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defense
Assistant Secretary for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defense: AABB- DMA Threat Reduction Agency
Director: AABB
- DMA Threat Reduction Agency
- Office for Research and Engineering
Assistant Secretary, Research and Engineering: AABB- DMA Advanced Research Projects Agency
Director: AABB - DMA Technical Information Center
Director: AABB
- DMA Advanced Research Projects Agency
- Office for Logistics and Materiel Readiness
Assistant Secretary, Logistics and Materiel Readiness: AABB- DMA Logistics Agency
Director: AABB
- DMA Logistics Agency
- Office for Acquisition
- Office of Public Information
- Arizona Military Establishment | Arizona State Guard
- General Staff | Chairman: AABB
- Chief of Staff of the Land Guard: AABB
- Chief of Staff of the Air Guard: AABB
- Chief of Staff of the Ranger Corps: AABB
- Joint Staff | Director: ABB
- Joint Staff Information Management Division
Director: AABB - DOM – Directorate of Management
Director: AABB - J1 – Personnel and Manpower
Director: AABB - J2 – Intelligence
Director: AABB - J3 – Operations
Director: AABB - J4 – Logistics
Director: AABB - J5 – Strategic Plans and Policy
Director: AABB - J6 – Command, Control, Communications and Computers/Cyber
Director: AABB - J7 – Operational Plans and Joint Force Development
Director: AABB - J8 – Force Structure, Resources, and Assessment
Director: AABB
- Joint Staff Information Management Division
- Department of the Land Guard | Arizona Land Guard
Secretary of the Land Guard: AABB- Land Guard Secretariat | Undersecretary of the Land Guard: AABB
- Office of Public Information
Deputy Secretary for Public Information: AABB - Office of General Counsel
Land Guard General Counsel: AABB - Office of the Comptroller
Deputy Secretary for Financial Management and the Comptroller: AABB - Office of Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant: AABB - Office of Judge Advocate General
Judge Advocate General: AABB - Office of Inspector-General
Inspector-General: AABB - Land Guard Criminal Investigative Division
Director, Land Guard CID: AABB - Office for Civil Works
Deputy Secretary for Civil Works: AABB - Office for Acquisitions, Logistics, and Technology
Deputy Secretary for Acquisitions, Logistics, and Technology: AABB - Office for Installations, Energy, and Environment
Deputy Secretary for Installations, Energy, and Environment: AABB - Office for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
Deputy Secretary for Manpower and Reserve Affairs: AABB
- Office of Public Information
- Land Guard Staff | Chief of Staff: AABB
- Vice-Chief of Staff of the Land Guard: AABB
- Sergeant-Major of the Land Guard: AABB
- Deputy Chief of Staff G-8: AABB
- Chief of Chaplains: AABB
- Provost Marshal-General: AABB
- Surgeon-General: AABB
- Land Guard Secretariat | Undersecretary of the Land Guard: AABB
- Department of the Air Guard | Arizona Air Guard
Secretary of the Air Guard: AABB- Air Guard Secretariat | Undersecretary of the Air Guard: AABB
- Office of Public Information
Deputy Secretary for Public Information: AABB - Office of General Counsel
Air Guard General Counsel: AABB - Office of the Comptroller
Deputy Secretary for Financial Management and the Comptroller: AABB - Office of Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant: AABB - Office of Judge Advocate General
Judge Advocate General: AABB - Office of Inspector-General
Inspector-General: AABB - Office of Special Investigations
Director, Air Guard OSI: AABB - Office for Civil Works
Deputy Secretary for Civil Works: AABB - Office for Acquisitions, Logistics, and Technology
Deputy Secretary for Acquisitions, Logistics, and Technology: AABB - Office for Installations, Energy, and Environment
Deputy Secretary for Installations, Energy, and Environment: AABB - Office for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
Deputy Secretary for Manpower and Reserve Affairs: AABB
- Office of Public Information
- Air Guard Staff | Chief of Staff: AABB
- Vice-Chief of Staff of the Air Guard: AABB
- Sergeant-Major of the Air Guard: AABB
- Deputy Chief of Staff G-8: AABB
- Chief of Chaplains: AABB
- Provost Marshal-General: AABB
- Surgeon-General: AABB
- Air Guard Secretariat | Undersecretary of the Air Guard: AABB
- Department of the Ranger Corps | Arizona Ranger Corps
Secretary of the Ranger Corps: AABB- Ranger Corps Secretariat | Undersecretary of the Ranger Corps: AABB
- Office of Public Information
Deputy Secretary for Public Information: AABB - Office of General Counsel
Ranger Corps General Counsel: AABB - Office of the Comptroller
Deputy Secretary for Financial Management and the Comptroller: AABB - Office of Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant: AABB - Office of Judge Advocate General
Judge Advocate General: AABB - Office of Inspector-General
Inspector-General: AABB - Ranger Corps Investigative Division
Director, MCID: AABB - Office for Civil Works
Deputy Secretary for Civil Works: AABB - Office for Acquisitions, Logistics, and Technology
Deputy Secretary for Acquisitions, Logistics, and Technology: AABB - Office for Installations, Energy, and Environment
Deputy Secretary for Installations, Energy, and Environment: AABB - Office for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
Deputy Secretary for Manpower and Reserve Affairs: AABB
- Office of Public Information
- Ranger Corps Staff | Chief of Staff: AABB
- Vice-Chief of Staff of the Ranger Corps: AABB
- Sergeant-Major of the Ranger Corps: AABB
- Deputy Chief of Staff G-8: AABB
- Chief of Chaplains: AABB
- Provost Marshal-General: AABB
- Surgeon-General: AABB
- Ranger Corps Secretariat | Undersecretary of the Ranger Corps: AABB
- General Staff | Chairman: AABB
- Military Affairs Secretariat | Senior Undersecretary: AABB
Department of the Treasury[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of the Treasury
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of the Treasury
Secretary of the Department of the Treasury: Kimberly Yee
Senior Assistant and Chief of Staff: AABB
Senior Undersecretary: AABB - Office of Treasurer
Treasurer: AABB - Arizona Customs and Revenue Service
Director: AABB
Department of Administration[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Administration
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Administration
Secretary of the Department of Administration: Andy Tobin
Senior Assistant and Chief of Staff: AABB
Senior Undersecretary: AABB- Arizona Personnel Management Office
Undersecretary, Personnel Management: AABB - Arizona State Enterprise Technology Office
Undersecretary, State Technology Enterprise: AABB - Arizona State Motor Pool Office
Undersecretary, State Motor Pool: AABB - Arizona Property Management Office
Undersecretary, Property Management: AABB - Arizona Administrative Hearings Office
Undersecretary, Administrative Hearings: AABB
- Arizona Personnel Management Office
Department of Transportation[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Transportation
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Transportation
Secretary of the Department of Transportation: Victor Mendez
Senior Assistant and Chief of Staff: AABB- Transportation Secretariat
Senior Undersecretary: AABB- Arizona Aviation Authority
Undersecretary, Aviation: AABB - Arizona Highway Authority
Undersecretary, Highways: AABB - Arizona Railroad Authority
Undersecretary, Railroads: AABB - Arizona Surface Transportation Authority
Undersecretary, Surface Transportation: AABB - Arizona Transportation Safety Authority
Undersecretary, Safety: AABB - Enforcement and Compliance Division
Undersecretary, Enforcement and Compliance: AABB - Motor Vehicle Division
Undersecretary, Motor Vehicles: AABB - Office of Policy Advisor to the Secretary
Policy Advisor: AABB
- Arizona Aviation Authority
- Transportation Secretariat
- Bureau of Operations
Undersecretary, Operations: AABB- Administrative Services Division
Assistant Undersecretary, Administrative Services: AABB - Human Resources Division
Assistant Undersecretary, Human Resources: AABB- Civil Rights Office
Director, Civil Rights: AABB
- Civil Rights Office
- Information Technology Group
Chairman, Information Technology: AABB - Office of Continuous Improvement
Director, Continuous Improvement: AABB- Leadership and Employee Engagement
Director, Leadership and Employee Engagement: AABB
- Leadership and Employee Engagement
- Administrative Services Division
- Bureau of Policy
Undersecretary, Policy: AABB- Administrative Rules and Agency Policy
Assistant Undersecretary, Administrative Rules & Agency Policy: AABB - Communications Office
Director, Communications: AABB - Government Relations Office
Director, Community Relations: AABB
- Administrative Rules and Agency Policy
- Bureau of Engineering
Undersecretary, Engineering: AABB- Infrastructure Delivery and Operations
Assistant Undersecretary, Infrastructure Delivery & Operations: AABB - Multimodal Planning Division
Assistant Undersecretary, Multimodal Planning: AABB - Transportation System Management and Operations
Assistant Undersecretary, Transportation System Management & Operations: AABB - Environmental Planning Division
Assistant Undersecretary, Environmental Planning: AABB - Major Projects Alternative Delivery Division
Assistant Undersecretary, Major Projects Alternative Delivery: AABB - Partnering Division
Assistant Undersecretary, Partnering: AABB - Resource Management Division
Assistant Undersecretary, Resource Management: AABB
- Infrastructure Delivery and Operations
- Bureau of Finance
Undersecretary, Finance: AABB- Budget and Research Office
Assistant Undersecretary, Budget & Research: AABB - Financial Management Services
Assistant Undersecretary, Financial Management Services: AABB
- Budget and Research Office
Department of Fire, Building, and Life Safety[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Fire, Building, and Life Safety
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Fire, Building, and Life Safety
Secretary of the Department of Fire, Building, and Life Safety: Jeffrey Whitney
Senior Undersecretary: AABB- Office of Administration
Undersecretary, Administration: AABB - Office of State Fire Marshal
State Fire Marshal: AABB - Office of Manufactured Housing
Undersecretary, Manufactured Housing: AABB - Office of Homeowners Associations
Undersecretary, Homeowners Associations: AABB
- Office of Administration
Department of Health Services[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Health Services
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Health Services
Secretary of the Department of Health Services: Cara Christ
Senior Undersecretary: AABB
Department of Education[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Education
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Education
Secretary of the Department of Education: Laura Roslin
Senior Undersecretary and Chief of Staff: AABB
Department of Economic Security[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Economic Security
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Economic Security
Secretary of the Department of Economic Security: Michael Trailor
Senior Assistant and Chief of Staff: AABB
Senior Undersecretary: AABB- Bureau of Programs
Undersecretary, Programs: AABB - Bureau of Operations
Undersecretary, Operations: AABB
- Bureau of Programs
Department of Weights and Measures[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Weights and Measures
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Weights and Measures
Secretary of the Department of Weights and Measures: Brian Sellers
Senior Undersecretary and Chief of Staff: AABB
Department of Labor[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Labor
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Labor
Secretary of the Department of Labor: Laurie Barcelona
Senior Undersecretary and Chief of Staff: AABB
Department of Agriculture[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Agriculture
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Agriculture
Secretary of the Department of Agriculture: Mark Killian
Senior Assistant and Chief of Staff: AABB
Senior Undersecretary: AABB- Office of Inspector-General
Inspector-General: AABB - Office of Public Information
Deputy Secretary, Public Information: AABB - Office of Finance and Management
Deputy Secretary, Finance and Management: AABB - Office of Pest Management
Director, Pest Management: AABB
- Office of Inspector-General
- Bureau of Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services
Undersecretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services: AABB - Bureau of Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services
Undersecretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services: AABB - Bureau of Food Safety
Undersecretary for Food and Drug Safety: AABB - Bureau of Marketing and Regulatory Programs
Undersecretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs: AABB - Bureau of Research, Education, and Economics
Undersecretary for Research, Education, and Economics: AABB- Arizona Agricultural Research Service
Director: AABB - Arizona State Institute for Food and Agriculture
Director: AABB - Arizona State Institute for Economic Research
Director: AABB - Arizona State Agricultural Statistics Service
Director: AABB - Arizona State Agricultural Library
Director: AABB - Arizona State Seed Bank
Director: AABB
- Arizona Agricultural Research Service
Department of Commerce and Industry[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Commerce and Industry
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Commerce and Industry
Secretary of the Department of Commerce and Industry: Sandra Watson
Senior Undersecretary: AABB
Department of Banking and Insurance[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Banking and Insurance
- Website: link://
The Department of Banking and Insurance is the securities, banking, and insurance regulatory agency, responsible for ensuring that all banking, securities, other financial, and insurance institutions comply with State law. The Department is headed by a Secretary of Banking and Insurance.
- Arizona Department of Banking & Insurance
Secretary of the Department of Banking & Insurance: Lauren Kingry
Senior Undersecretary: AABB- XXXX
Department of Gaming and Racing[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Gaming
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Gaming
Secretary of the Department of Gaming: Daniel Bergin
Senior Undersecretary: AABB- XXXX
Department of Liquor Licenses and Control[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control
Secretary of the Department of Liquor Licenses and Control: John Cocca
Senior Undersecretary: AABB- XXXX
Department of Corrections[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Corrections
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Corrections
Secretary of the Department of Corrections: Charles L. Ryan
Senior Undersecretary: AABB- XXXX
Department of Real Estate[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Real Estate
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Real Estate
Secretary of the Department of Real Estate: Judy Lowe
Senior Undersecretary: AABB - XXXX
Department of Housing[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Housing
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Housing
Secretary of the Department of Housing: Carol L. Ditmore
Senior Undersecretary: AABB- XXXX
Department of Energy Resources[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Energy Resources
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Energy Resources
Secretary of the Department of Energy Resources: Robert W. Johnson
Senior Undersecretary: Marcia Kennedy
Department of Water Resources[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Water Resources
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Water Resources
Secretary of the Department of Water Resources: Thomas Buschatzke
Senior Undersecretary: AABB
Department of Land and Natural Resources[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Land and Natural Resources
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Land & Natural Resources
Secretary of the Department of Land & Natural Resources: Lisa A. Atkins
Senior Undersecretary: AABB
Department of Mines and Mineral Resources[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Mines and Mineral Resources
Secretary of the Department of Mines & Mineral Resources: David Johnston
Senior Undersecretary and Chief of Staff: AABB
Department of Environmental Quality[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
Secretary of the Department of Environmental Quality: Misael Cabrera
Senior Undersecretary: AABB
Department of First Nation Affairs[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of First Nation Affairs
- Website: link://
- Arizona Department of First Nation Affairs
Commissioner: Kristine Fire Thunder
Senior Undersecretary: AABB
Department of Supernatural Affairs[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Department of Supernatural Affairs
- Website: link://
The Arizona Department of Supernatural Affairs is the State agency responsible for treating on behalf (and under the direction) of the Governor with the Supernaturals of Arizona, namely the vampires, weres, and fae; all diplomatic relations between the State of Arizona and the various Supernatural bodies Politic in Arizona are conducted through the Department on behalf of the Governor. The Department is led by a Commissioner for Supernatural Affairs, who is the “principal Assistant to the Governor on all Matters pertaining to the Department of Supernatural Affairs.” The Commissioner is, like all other Members of the Executive Cabinet, nominated and, by and with the Advice and Consent of the State Senate, appointed by the Governor; and, like all State employees in the Executive Department, serves at the Pleasure of the Governor.
- Arizona Department of Supernatural Affairs
Commissioner : AABB
Senior Assistant and Chief of Staff: AABB- Supernatural Affairs Secretariat
Senior Undersecretary: AABB - Office for Beast, Being, and Spirit
Undersecretary for Beast, Being, and Spirit: AABB - State–Commonwealth Affairs Office
Undersecretary for State–Commonwealth Affairs: AABB- Arizona State Mission to the Commonwealth of Arizona
Minister of the State to the Commonwealth: AABB
- Arizona State Mission to the Commonwealth of Arizona
- Supernatural Affairs Secretariat
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System
- Website: link://
- Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System
Commissioner: Thomas J. Betlach
Senior Undersecretary: AABB
Inspector-General: Sharon Ombsby- Office of the Health Information Technology Coordinator
Coordinator, Health Information Technology: Lorie Mayer - Office of Healthcare Advocacy and Advancement
Assistant Commissioner, Healthcare Advocacy and Advancement: Paul Galdys - Office of Human Resources and Development
Assistant Commissioner, Human Resources and Development: Roxanne Robles - Office of Continuous Improvement
Assistant Commissioner, Continuous Improvement: Gloria Diaz - Office of Project Management
Assistant Commissioner, Project Management: George Jacobson - Office of Payment Modernization
Assistant Commissioner, Payment Modernization: Jim Wang
- Office of the Health Information Technology Coordinator
- Office of Chief Deputy Commissioner
Chief Deputy Commissioner: Beth Kohler- Deputy Commissioner for Business Intelligence and Analytics
Deputy Commissioner, Business Intelligence & Analytics: Anne Dye - Deputy Commissioner for Health Care Management (Finance, Rate Development, and Data)
Deputy Commissioner, Health Care Management, Finance, Rate Development, and Data: Shelli Silver - Deputy Commissioner for Health Care Management (Operations)
Deputy Commissioner, Health Care Management, Operations: Ginny Rountree - Deputy Commissioner for Intergovernmental Relations
Deputy Commissioner, Intergovernmental Relations: Elizabeth Rountree - Deputy Commissioner for Executive Projects
Deputy Commissioner, Executive Projects: Kari Price - Deputy Commissioner for Business Operations
Deputy Commissioner, Business Operations: Vacant - Deputy Commissioner for Administrative Legal Services
Deputy Commissioner, Administrative Legal Services: Matthew Devlin - Deputy Commissioner for Business and Finance
Deputy Commissioner, Business and Finance: Jeff Tegen - Deputy Commissioner for Fee for Service Management
Deputy Commissioner, Fee for Service Management: Elizabeth Carpio - Deputy Commissioner for Member Services
Deputy Commissioner, Member Services: Penny Ellis - Deputy Commissioner for Information Services
Deputy Commissioner, Information Services: Dan Lippert - Deputy Commissioner for Project Management
Deputy Commissioner, Project Management: Michal Rudnick
- Deputy Commissioner for Business Intelligence and Analytics
- Office of Chief Medical Officer
Chief Medical Officer: Dr. Sara Selek- Office of Deputy Chief Medical Officer (Medical Services)
Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Medical Services: Roger Wilcox - Office of Deputy Chief Medical Officer (Dental Services)
Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Dental Services: Michael Recuber - Office of Deputy Chief Medical Officer (Physician Program Consultant)
Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Physical Program Consultant: Mark Carroll - Office of Deputy Chief Medical Officer (Pharmacy Services)
Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Pharmacy Services: Suzanne Berman - Office of Clinical Project Manager
Clinical Project Manager: Lauren Prole - Office of Clinical Initiatives Project Manager
Clinical Initiatives Project Manager: Shana Malone
- Office of Deputy Chief Medical Officer (Medical Services)
Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency
- Website: link://
- Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency
Commissioner: Brian Goretzki
Senior Undersecretary: AABB- Radioactive Materials Division
Assistant Commissioner for Radioactive Materials: AABB - X-Ray Compliance Division
Assistant Commissioner for X-Ray Compliance: AABB - Nonionizing Radiation Compliance Division
Assistant Commissioner for Nonionizing Radiation Compliance: AABB - Radiation Measurements Laboratory Division
Assistant Commissioner for Radiation Measurements Laboratory: AABB - Emergency Response Division
Assistant Commissioner for Emergency Response: AABB - Energy Licensing and Compliance Division
Assistant Commissioner for Energy Licensing and Compliance: AABB - Energy Research Division
Assistant Commissioner for Energy Research: AABB- Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor Task Force
Chair: AABB
- Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor Task Force
- Medical Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners
Chair: AABB
- Radioactive Materials Division
Arizona Corporation Commission[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Corporation Commission
The Arizona Corporation Commission is an independent State agency that is responsible for regulating corporations and public Utilities in Arizona. The Corporation Commission is composed of seven Members, namely seven Commissioners, of which the seniormost Commissioner is the President and Chairman of the Arizona Corporation Commission.
- Arizona Corporation Commission
- Commissioners:
- Andy Tobin (Area I)
- Bob Burns (Area II)
- Boyd Dunn (Area III)
- Doug Little (Area IV, Chairman)
- Tom Forese (Area V)
- Bob Stump (Area VI)
- Gary Pierce (Area VII)
- Secretary to the Commission: AABB
Chief of Staff: AABB
Senior Undersecretary: AABB
- Commissioners:
- Administration Division
Undersecretary, Administration: Kim Battista - Communications Division
Undersecretary, Communications: Jodi Jerich - Corporations Division
Undersecretary, Corporations: Patricia Barfield - Hearings Division
Undersecretary, Hearings: Dwight Nodes - Information Technology Division
Undersecretary, Information Technology: Letty Butner - Legal Division
Undersecretary, Legal: Janice Alward - Safety Division
Undersecretary, Safety: Jeffrey Hatch-Miller - Securities Division
Undersecretary, Securities: Matt Neubert - Utilities Division
Undersecretary, Utilities: Tom Broderick
State of Arizona | Judicial Department[edit | edit source]
Arizona State Courts[edit | edit source]
Arizona Supreme Court[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Supreme Court
The Arizona Supreme Court is the supreme Court of the State of Arizona. It consists of a chief Justice and six associate Justices. Each Justice is appointed by the Governor of Arizona from a List recommended by a bipartisan Commission (See: Missouri Plan). Justices stand for retention in an Election two Years after their appointment, and then every six Years thereafter.[2] They must retire at age 70.
The chief Justice is chosen for a Term of five Years by the Members of the Court, and is eligible for re-election. He supervises the administration of all the inferior Courts, that is all Courts below the supreme Court. The chief Justice is also the Chairman of the Commission on Appellate Court Appointments, which nominates Candidates to fill Vacancies in the appellate Courts (including the supreme Court). If the Governor fails to appoint one of the nominated Candidates within sixty Days of their Names being submitted to him, the chief Justice makes the appointment.
The Jurisdiction of the Court is prescribed by Article VI, Section 5 of the Arizona Constitution. Most of the appeals heard by the Court first go through the Arizona Court of Appeal, except for death penalty Cases, over which the Arizona Supreme Court has sole appellate jurisdiction. The Court also has original Jurisdiction in a few other circumstances as outlined in the Arizona Constitution. A Quorum is five, but the whole Court must sit in order to declare a Law unconstitutional.[3]
Arizona Court of Appeal[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Court of Appeal
The Court of Appeal of the State of Arizona, more commonly known as the Arizona Court of Appeal, is the intermediate appellate court in the Arizona Integrated Judicial Department (the judicial part (branch) of the Arizona State Government). The Court is authorized by Article VI, section 10, of the Arizona Constitution[4] and formally established in 1713 with the enactment of the Judiciary Act, 1713. The official seat of the Arizona Court of Appeal is in Tucson, in the Arizona Court of Appeal building, which is located at 400 West Congress Street; but the Court of Appeal, like the State supreme Court, regularly holds sessions throughout the State as part of its public outreach and civic engagement programs.
Arizona Superior Court[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Superior Court
The Superior Court of the State of Arizona is the Arizona state court of general jurisdiction.
The Arizona Constitution provides the superior Court with jurisdiction over:
- concurrent jurisdiction over cases and proceedings in which exclusive jurisdiction is not vested by law in another court;
- equity cases that involve title to or possession of real property or the legality of any tax, assessment, toll or municipal ordinance;
- other cases in which the value of property in question is US$ 1,000 or more, exclusive of interest and costs;
- felonies;
- misdemeanors not otherwise provided for by law;
- forcible entry and detainer actions (evictions);
- proceedings in insolvency and bankruptcy;
- nuisances;
- proceedings in probate;
- dissolution or annulment of marriages (divorces); and
- naturalization and the issuance of appropriate documents for these events.
Under Article 6, section 13, of the Arizona Constitution, “[t]he superior Courts provided for in this section shall constitute a single Court, composed of all the duly elected or appointed Judges in each of the Counties of the State.” In this sense, the single Superior Court of the State of Arizona is divided into fifteen divisions, conterminous with the fifteen Counties of Arizona. Officially, each Superior Court division is styled the “Superior Court of the State of Arizona in and for the County of (County)”.[5] For example, the Superior Court division located in Coconino County is officially the, “Superior Court of the State of Arizona in and for the County of Coconino.”
- Superior Court of Arizona in and for Apache County
- Superior Court of Arizona in and for Cochise County
- Superior Court of Arizona in and for Coconino County
- Superior Court of Arizona in and for Gila County
- Superior Court of Arizona in and for Graham County
- Superior Court of Arizona in and for Greenlee County
- Superior Court of Arizona in and for La Paz County
- Superior Court of Arizona in and for Maricopa County
- Superior Court of Arizona in and for Mohave County
- Superior Court of Arizona in and for Navajo County
- Superior Court of Arizona in and for Pima County
- Superior Court of Arizona in and for Pinal County
- Superior Court of Arizona in and for Santa Cruz County
- Superior Court of Arizona in and for Yavapai County
- Superior Court of Arizona in and for Yuma County
Arizona Justice of the Peace Court[edit | edit source]
Main article: Arizona Justice of the Peace
Arizona Judicial Agencies
Arizona Administrative Office of the Courts
[[File:|96px|link=]] Main article: Arizona Administrative Office of the Courts
Arizona State Judicial Conference
[[File:|96px|link=]] Main article: Arizona State Judicial Conference
Arizona Commission on Judicial Conduct
[[File:|96px|link=]] Main article: Arizona Commission on Judicial Conduct
Arizona Commission on Appellate Court Appointments
[[File:|96px|link=]] Main article: Arizona Commission on Appellate Court Appointments
Arizona Commission on Trial Court Appointments
[[File:|96px|link=]] Main article: Arizona Commission on Trial Court Appointments
State of Arizona | State-Owned Corporations[edit | edit source]
Arizona Public Service[edit | edit source]
96px Main article: Arizona Public Service
Central Arizona Project[edit | edit source]
96px Main article: Central Arizona Project
Salt River Project[edit | edit source]
96px Main article: Salt River Project
Arizona State Bank
96px Main article: Arizona State Bank
The Arizona State Bank is governed by the Arizona State Bank Authority, which is composed of nine Members, namely eight Supervisors and one Chancellor, the latter being the President and Chairman of the Arizona State Bank Authority.
Proposed government-owned corporations[edit | edit source]
Inspectors-general[edit | edit source]
Quasi-official agencies[edit | edit source]
Private regulatory corporations[edit | edit source]
Government entities created by Acts but independent of other entities[edit | edit source]
See also[edit | edit source]
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ The political Subdivisions of the State of Arizona are the various Counties, Cities, and Towns of Arizona; and also the numerous school Districtss and other special-purpose governmental Entities of the State.
- ↑ Arizona Const., article 6, section 37
- ↑ Arizona Const., article 6, section 2
- ↑ The jurisdiction, powers, duties and composition of any intermediate appellate court shall be as provided by law (Arizona Const., art VI, sec 10).
- ↑ Arizona Const., article VI, sec. 13