Arizona State Executive Department

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Flag of Arizona.svg Arizona
Executive Department
The Lake Executive
US-AZ arms-364.png
Office Name Term
Governor Kari Lake1727–1735
Lieutenant-Governor Blake Masters1727–1735
Secretary of State
and Foreign Affairs
Andrew Wilson1727–1731
Michael Beauchamp1731–1735
Attorney-General Clint Bollick1727–1731
Abe Hamadeh1731–1735
Secretary of
Public Safety
Mark Lamb1727–1735
Secretary of
Military Affairs
Alastair Riksdaal1727–1729
Dominic Shacklebolt1729–1735
Secretary of
Civil Defense
Jack Harris1727–1729
Omar Cabrera1729–1731
Colin Thompson1731–1735
Secretary of
the Treasury
Kimberly Yee1727–1731
Duncan Smith1731–1735
Secretary of
Jameson Grady1727–1735
Secretary of
Alejandro Moreno1727–1735
Secretary of
Sergio Hernandez1727–1735
Secretary of
Fire, Building,
and Life Safety
Matteo Benitez1727–1735
Secretary of
Health Services
Helena Pomfrey1727–1735
Secretary of
Rachel Evanston1727–1731
Laura Roslin1731–1735
Secretary of
Economic Security
James Matheson1727–1735
Secretary of
Weights and Measures
Dermot Shand1727–1735
Secretary of
Josue Delgado1727–1735
Secretary of
Mason O’Connor1727–1735
Secretary of
Commerce and Industry
Amelia Jakobsdóttir1727–1735
Secretary of
Banking and Insurance
Francis Milton1727–1735
Secretary of
Oliver Humphrey1727–1735
Secretary of
Liquor Licenses and Control
Yvette Johnson1727–1735
Secretary of
Corinna Salvatore1727–1735
Secretary of
Real Estate
Greg Aston1727–1735
Secretary of
Housing and Urban Development
Thomas Pate1727–1735
Secretary of
Energy Resources
Alex Betlach1727–1735
Secretary of
Water Resources
Fred Richards1727–1735
Secretary of
Land and Natural Resources
Paulina Weatherly1727–1735
Secretary of
Mines and Mineral Resources
Jason McGuire1727–1735
Secretary of
Environmental Quality
Aleksandr Turchynov1727–1735
Commissioner for
First Nation Affairs
Jacob Sweet Water1727–1735
Commissioner for
Supernatural Affairs
Mikhailo Savchenko1727–1735
Commissioner of
Tyler Hammond1727–1735
Commissioner of
Esther Knudsen1727–1735

The Arizona State Executive Department is the executive branch of the Arizona State Government. The executive branch is headed by the Governor of Arizona, and is composed of the Office of Governor and the various executive Departments and Agencies of the State.

Arizona State Executive Cabinet[edit | edit source]

Main article: Arizona State Executive Cabinet

The senior-most body of the Executive Department is the Arizona State Executive Cabinet, which is composed of the Governor –who heads the Executive– and the principle Officer in each of the various executive Departments and Agencies of the State. The Executive Council is not a cabinet in the parliamentary sense of the term. Rather it is more of a council of state that advises the Governor on the affairs of the State, whereby all final decisions are made by the Governor and not by the whole council as would be the case in a cabinet system of executive government: The Governor is not a primus inter pares[a], but the Chief Executive of the State.[1]

Agencies and offices[edit | edit source]

Main article: Arizona State Executive Department

Office of Governor[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Governor.svg Main article: Governor of Arizona

Website: link://

The Governor is Arizona’s head of State and head of Government, and, as such, he is both the chief public Representative of the State and the head of the Arizona Executive Department (executive branch of the Arizona State Government); all executive Power of the State of Arizona is vested in the Office of Governor. In addition, the Governor is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Arizona State Guard; Colonel-in-Chief of the Arizona State Troopers; and, during Emergencies and other extra-ordinary Situations, has the Power to take Command of any or all county Sheriff’s Offices, municipal Police departments, and special-purpose law enforcement Agencies in the State. The primary Responsibilities of the Governor are to—

  1. Preserve, protect, defend, and guarantee the State Constitution and the entire System of Arizona’s constitutional Law;
  2. Ensure that all State and Federal laws are duly and diligently enforced (provided they are not unconstitutional);
  3. Ensure that the Charters, Ordinances, and Regulations of the various political Subdivisions of Arizona[1] are in full compliance with the Constitution and Laws of Arizona;
  4. Preserve, protect, and maintain the Peace, Order, and good Government (“POGG”) of the State, and in like Manner the public Health, Safety, and Welfare of the People;
  5. Preserve, protect, and defend, against all Enemies, foreign and domestic, the territorial Integrity of the State; and in like Manner the Independence, Sovereignty, and Security of Arizona;
  6. Preserve, protect, and defend the individual Liberty of all Arizonans;
  7. Accredit Arizona’s high Commissioners and Ambassadors; and receive similar Diplomats from other States, the United States, and from foreign States;
  8. Issue Arizona passports;—And
  9. Bestow State awards and honors.

Assisted and advised by the Heads of the various executive Departments and Agencies, the Governor ensures that the Law is duly and diligently enforced throughout the State, and guarantees to every Person within Arizona the equal protection of those Laws.

Offices and programs

Department of State and Foreign Affairs[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of State and Foreign Affairs.svg Main article: Arizona Department of State and Foreign Affairs

Website: link://

The Arizona Department of State and Foreign Affairs, usually shortened to "Department of State", is the State's combined foreign, elections, records and archives, notary-public, trademark registration, and copy certification (certified copies) ministry. Among other responsibilities, the Department is tasked with carrying out the Governor's foreign Policy and the United States' Common Foreign Policy, as well as ensuring the proper functioning of all State, county, local, and Federal electoral systems within Arizona. The Department is headed by a Secretary of State and Foreign Affairs, commonly known as "Secretary of State". After the Governor, the Secretary of State and Foreign Affairs is the most senior member of in the Executive Department. However, the Secretary of State is not the first in the gubernatorial order of succession; rather, the President of the Arizona Senate is first in line to succeed to the Office of Governor in the event that the duly elected Governor is killed, incapacitated, is absent from the State (in which Case the President of the Senate serves only as Acting Governor until the elected Governor returns to the State), or is otherwise unable to execute the Powers and Duties of his Office. XXXX

Department of the Attorney-General[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of the Attorney-General.svg Main article: Arizona Department of the Attorney-General

Website: link://

The Arizona Department of the Attorney-General is responsible for providing legal counsel to the State and to local governments on all matters of State and Federal law. The Department is also the State-level prosecutor's office; however, the fifteen County-Attorney offices carry out most of this responsibility: for the most part, the Department of the Attorney-General would only take on the role of prosecutor in extraordinary circumstances and for extraordinary crimes, such as investigating corruption in one of the County-Attorney offices or investigating corruption in the offices of senior State officers, or prosecuting the crime of treason. However, the Department of the Attorney-General is responsible for prosecuting federal offenses. The Department of the Attorney-General is headed by the Attorney-General of Arizona. The AG must be an attorney licensed by the State Bar of Arizona and have had practiced Law in Arizona for at least five Years prior to his appointment as Attorney-General and, like every State or local Officer, must have not been convicted, under Arizona law, of Treason, Felony, or domestic Violence.

The post of Attorney-General is a powerful one, especially in that the AG may issue advisory opinions on Matters of State and Federal law, which are binding unless and until overridden by the Legislature or the Courts; however, opinions issued by the Arizona AG on Matters of Federal Law may also be overridden by the United States Attorney-General.

The Department is also the primary enforcer of Arizona’s antitrust, consumer Fraud, organized Crime, and civil Rights laws. This gives the Attorney-General significant ability to shape public Policy. The Department also prosecutes administrative disciplinary Actions against Doctors, Dentists, real estate Agents, licensed Contractors, and others who hold occupational Licenses.

The Attorney-General, both personally and through the Department of the Attorney-General, also plays an important, but not exclusive Role in criminal law Enforcement: In Arizona, most Crimes are initially Tried at the County-level in superior Court by elected County Attorneys and their Staffs. Appeals of criminal Convictions are, however, typically handed by the Department of the Attorney-General to ensure Statewide consistency on important legal Issues. In addition, the Attorney-General has supervisory Powers over County Attorneys and can take over local criminal Prosecutions at the request of the Governor or County —this usually occurs when a County Attorney has a conflict of Interest.

Department of Public Safety[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of Public Safety.svg Main article: Arizona Department of Public Safety

Website: link://

The Department of Public Safety, also known as the “Arizona State Troopers”, is responsible for maintaining law and order throughout the State. However, in practice, much of this responsibility is carried out by the fifteen Sheriff's Offices and the numerous municipal and specialist police agencies. The Department of Public Safety is, however, vested with primary jurisdiction over certain, specific offenses, and exclusive enforcement authority over various statutes (primarily those which pertain to immigration, customs, foreign affairs, national security, trans-national crime, arms and human smuggling, white-collar crime, and financial crimes); and is vested with exclusive jurisdiction, both investigative and enforcement, over all State property, State facilities (including State military installations), and State Lands. DPS coordinate with the Department of Emergency and Military Affairs on security matters for Arizona embassies and Arizona ambassadors abroad.

Also a gendarmerie force, the Arizona State Troopers have a wide-ranging mandate, however the Agency has delegated many of its responsibilities to county Sheriffs and municipal Police.

The Department of Public Safety is under the command of the Secretary of the Department of Public Safety, with the rank of Colonel, who is appointed by the Governor of Arizona, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Arizona Senate. The Secretary is assisted by a Senior Undersecretary, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, appointed by the Governor on the recommendation of the Secretary. The Department is composed of six primary divisions - State Patrol (formerly Highway Patrol), Criminal Investigations, Technical Services, Agency Support, Intelligence, and the Secretary’s Office. The five program Divisions are each headed by an Undersecretary, each with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

Department of Emergency and Military Affairs[edit | edit source]

96px Main article: Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs

Website: link://

The Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs (AZDEMA) is the Executive department responsible for the civil defense, emergency management, and military defense of the State of Arizona. Headed by a Secretary of Emergency and Military Affairs, the Department is composed of three sub-departments (each styled "division"), namely the Arizona Division of Military Affairs, the Arizona Division of Emergency Management and the Arizona Division of Administrative Services.

The Arizona Division of Military Affairs, which serves as the State’s defense ministry, is composed of the Arizona State Guard, which, in turn, is composed of the Arizona Land Guard, the Arizona Air Guard, the Arizona Ranger Corps, the Arizona Transportation Command, and the Arizona Special Services Command, and various civilian component agencies.

The Arizona Division of Emergency Management, which serves as the State’s emergency management ministry, is the primary agency in the State on all matters relative to civil defense, and emergency management. The remit of AZDEM has broad extent, ranging from coordinating disaster response to having oversight of, and final approval over, continuity of government plans for all levels of government in Arizona.

The Arizona Division of Administrative Services provides the Department with administrative support, such as personnel management, accounting and budgeting, general counsel, and departmental records and archives.

Department of the Treasury[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of the Treasury.svg Main article: Arizona Department of the Treasury

Website: link://


Department of Administration[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of Administration.svg Main article: Arizona Department of Administration

Website: link://


Department of Transportation[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of Transportation.svg Main article: Arizona Department of Transportation

Website: link://


Department of Fire, Building, and Life Safety[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of Fire, Building, and Life Safety.svg Main article: Arizona Department of Fire, Building, and Life Safety

Website: link://


Department of Health Services[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of Health Services.svg Main article: Arizona Department of Health Services

Website: link://


Department of Education[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of Education.svg Main article: Arizona Department of Education

Website: link://


Department of Economic Security[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of Economic Security.svg Main article: Arizona Department of Economic Security

Website: link://


Department of Weights and Measures[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of Weights and Measures.svg Main article: Arizona Department of Weights and Measures

Website: link://


Department of Labor[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of Labor.svg Main article: Arizona Department of Labor

Website: link://


Department of Agriculture[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of Agriculture.svg Main article: Arizona Department of Agriculture

Website: link://


Department of Commerce and Industry[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of Commerce and Industry.svg Main article: Arizona Department of Commerce and Industry

Website: link://


Department of Financial Institutions[edit | edit source]

96px Main article: Arizona Department of Financial Institutions

Website: link://

The Department of Financial Institutions is the securities and banking regulatory agency, responsible for ensuring that all banking, securities, and other financial institutions comply with State law. The Department is headed by a Secretary of Financial Institutions.

Department of Insurance[edit | edit source]

96px Main article: Arizona Department of Insurance

Website: link://


Department of Gaming[edit | edit source]

96px Main article: Arizona Department of Gaming

Website: link://


Department of Liquor Licenses and Control[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of Liquor Licenses and Control.svg Main article: Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control

Website: link://


Department of Corrections[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of Corrections.svg Main article: Arizona Department of Corrections

Website: link://


Department of Real Estate[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of Real Estate.svg Main article: Arizona Department of Real Estate

Website: link://


Department of Housing and Urban Development[edit | edit source]

96px Main article: Arizona Department of Housing and Urban Development

Website: link://


Department of Energy Resources[edit | edit source]

96px Main article: Arizona Department of Energy Resources

Website: link://


Department of Water Resources[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of Water Resources.svg Main article: Arizona Department of Water Resources

Website: link://


Department of Land and Natural Resources[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of Land and Natural Resources.svg Main article: Arizona Department of Land and Natural Resources

Website: link://


Department of Environmental Quality[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of Environmental Quality.svg Main article: Arizona Department of Environmental Quality

Website: link://


Department of First Nation Affairs[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of First Nation Affairs.svg Main article: Arizona Department of First Nation Affairs

Website: link://


Department of Supernatural Affairs[edit | edit source]

US-AZ seal-Department of Supernatural Affairs.svg Main article: Arizona Department of Supernatural Affairs

Website: link://

The Arizona Department of Supernatural Affairs is the State agency responsible for treating on behalf (and under the direction) of the Governor with the Supernaturals of Arizona, namely the vampires, weres, and fae; all diplomatic relations between the State of Arizona and the various Supernatural bodies Politic in Arizona are conducted through the Department on behalf of the Governor. The Department is led by a Commissioner for Supernatural Affairs, who is the “principal Assistant to the Governor on all Matters pertaining to the Department of Supernatural Affairs.” The Commissioner is, like all other Members of the Executive Cabinet, nominated and, by and with the Advice and Consent of the State Senate, appointed by the Governor; and, like all State employees in the Executive Department, serves at the Pleasure of the Governor.

Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System[edit | edit source]

US-AZ logo-Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System.svg Main article: Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

Website: link://


  • Commissioner of the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System
    CommissionerThomas J. Betlach
    Senior Undersecretary and Chief of Staff to the CommissionerAABB
    Inspector-GeneralSharon Ombsby
    • Office of the Health Information Technology Coordinator
      Coordinator, Health Information TechnologyLorie Mayer
    • Office of Healthcare Advocacy and Advancement
      Assistant Commissioner, Healthcare Advocacy and AdvancementPaul Galdys
    • Office of Human Resources and Development
      Assistant Commissioner, Human Resources and DevelopmentRoxanne Robles
    • Office of Continuous Improvement
      Assistant Commissioner, Continuous ImprovementGloria Diaz
    • Office of Project Management
      Assistant Commissioner, Project ManagementGeorge Jacobson
    • Office of Payment Modernization
      Assistant Commissioner, Payment ModernizationJim Wang
  • Office of Chief Deputy Commissioner
    Chief Deputy CommissionerBeth Kohler
    • Deputy Commissioner for Business Intelligence and Analytics
      Deputy Commissioner, Business Intelligence & AnalyticsAnne Dye
    • Deputy Commissioner for Health Care Management (Finance, Rate Development, and Data)
      Deputy Commissioner, Health Care Management, Finance, Rate Development, and DataShelli Silver
    • Deputy Commissioner for Health Care Management (Operations)
      Deputy Commissioner, Health Care Management, OperationsGinny Rountree
    • Deputy Commissioner for Intergovernmental Relations
      Deputy Commissioner, Intergovernmental RelationsElizabeth Rountree
    • Deputy Commissioner for Executive Projects
      Deputy Commissioner, Executive ProjectsKari Price
    • Deputy Commissioner for Business Operations
      Deputy Commissioner, Business OperationsVacant
    • Deputy Commissioner for Administrative Legal Services
      Deputy Commissioner, Administrative Legal ServicesMatthew Devlin
    • Deputy Commissioner for Business and Finance
      Deputy Commissioner, Business and FinanceJeff Tegen
    • Deputy Commissioner for Fee for Service Management
      Deputy Commissioner, Fee for Service ManagementElizabeth Carpio
    • Deputy Commissioner for Member Services
      Deputy Commissioner, Member ServicesPenny Ellis
    • Deputy Commissioner for Information Services
      Deputy Commissioner, Information ServicesDan Lippert
    • Deputy Commissioner for Project Management
      Deputy Commissioner, Project ManagementMichal Rudnick
  • Office of Chief Medical Officer
    Chief Medical OfficerDr. Sara Selek
    • Office of Deputy Chief Medical Officer (Medical Services)
      Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Medical ServicesRoger Wilcox
    • Office of Deputy Chief Medical Officer (Dental Services)
      Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Dental ServicesMichael Recuber
    • Office of Deputy Chief Medical Officer (Physician Program Consultant)
      Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Physical Program ConsultantMark Carroll
    • Office of Deputy Chief Medical Officer (Pharmacy Services)
      Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Pharmacy ServicesSuzanne Berman
    • Office of Clinical Project Manager
      Clinical Project ManagerLauren Prole
    • Office of Clinical Initiatives Project Manager
      Clinical Initiatives Project ManagerShana Malone

Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency[edit | edit source]

96px Main article: Arizona Radiation Regulatory Agency

Website: link://



Arizona Corporation Commission[edit | edit source]

96px Main article: Arizona Corporation Commission


The Arizona Corporation Commission is an independent State agency that is responsible for regulating corporations and public Utilities in Arizona. The Corporation Commission is composed of seven Members, namely seven Commissioners, of which the seniormost Commissioner is the President and Chairman of the Arizona Corporation Commission.

Notes[edit | edit source]

a.  literally, "first among equals" (e.g., a prime minister).

References[edit | edit source]

  1.  Const. Arizona, article III-C, section 1
  2.  A.R.S. § AA-BBBB
  3.  A.A.C. R1-1-101
  4.  AAAA v. BBBB (YYYY)
  1. The political Subdivisions of the State of Arizona are the various Counties, Cities, and Towns of Arizona; and also the numerous school Districtss and other special-purpose governmental Entities of the State.