Separation of powers under the U.S. Constitution (1730)

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Separation of powers is a political doctrine originating in the writings of Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu in The Spirit of the Laws, in which he argued for a constitutional government with three separate branches, each of which would have defined abilities to check the powers of the others. This philosophy heavily influenced the writing of the United States Constitution, according to which the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of the United States government are kept distinct in order to prevent abuse of power. This United States form of separation of powers is associated with a system of checks and balances.

During the Age of Enlightenment, philosophers such as Montesquieu advocated the principle in their writings; whereas others, such as Thomas Hobbes, strongly opposed it. Montesquieu was one of the foremost supporters of separating the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary. His writings considerably influenced the opinions of the Framers of the United States Constitution.

Strict separation of powers did not operate in the United Kingdom, the political structure of which served in most instances as a model for the government created by the U.S. Constitution.

Some States in the Federal Union did not observe a strict separation of powers in the 15th century. In New Jersey, the Governor also functioned as a member of the State’s highest court and as the presiding officer of one house of the New Jersey Legislature. The President of Delaware was a member of the Court of Appeals; the presiding officers of the two houses of the State legislature also served in the executive department as Vice-Presidents. In both Delaware and Pennsylvania, members of the executive council served at the same time as judges. On the other hand, many southern States explicitly required separation of powers. Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia all kept the branches of government “separate and distinct”.

3+1 Branch System[edit | edit source]

United States Institutions
- Executive -
(head of state)
US-FCT image-2021summer-FederalCouncil-01.jpg
United States Federal Hall
  • summit of the State Governors and the U.S. Governor-General (plenary summits), and of state and federal agency heads (portfolio-based summits)
  • Governor-in-Council approves or rejects certain bills passed by the Congress
  • Governor-in-Council forms and adopts the foreign and security policies of the United States
  • exerts oversight over the various branches of the Federal government
  • serves as the ultimate constitutional court in all cases whatsoever involving matters of Federal constitutional law
  • audits the implementation of the Federal budget
US-US seal-US Congress.svgUnited States
- Legislature -
- Executive -
US-FCT image-White House-202012040826-63.jpeg
White House
  • is the executive government
  • led by the Governor-General of the United States
  • the Federal government and civil service serve at the pleasure of the Governor-General
  • Governor-General approves or rejects certain bills passed by the Congress
  • implements Federal policies
  • administers the USNA Federal budget
  • ensures Unionwide compliance with Federal law
  • negotiates and signs Federal treaties with foreign states and international organizations
  • in representing the Federal Council abroad and to foreign entities, the Governor-General is the “de facto” Federal Head of State
US-FCT image-2021summer-UnitedStatesCapitol-01.jpg
United States Capitol
House of
- Upper House -
  • forms the upper house of the United States Congress (the Federal Legislature)
  • shares with the USNA House of Representatives the Federal budgetary power
  • jointly and co-dependent with the USNA House of Representatives, has the power to enact Federal legislation
  • exerts oversight over the USNA institutions including the Federal Executive and the Federal Judiciary
  • approves or rejects the Governor-General’s nominees for senior civil and military posts
  • approves or rejects Federal treaties with foreign states and international organizations
- Lower House -
  • forms the lower house of the United States Congress (the Federal Legislature)
  • shares with the USNA Senate the Federal budgetary power
  • jointly and co-dependent with the USNA Senate, has the power to enact Federal legislation
  • exerts oversight over the USNA institutions including the Federal Executive and the Federal Judiciary
- Judiciary -
US-FCT image-Supreme Court of Appeal-20200420125139-1.jpg
Supreme Court Building
  • ensures consistent, Unionwide, interpretation and application of Federal law
  • oversees the Federal judiciary
  • has the power to decide cases and controversies, in law and equity, arising under the Constitution and Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which may be made, under their Authority; cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls; controversies between two or more States, between a State and the United States, and between the United States and a foreign State; and controversies between a State and citizen of another State where the State is a plaintiff, and between citizens claiming lands under grants of different States, and between a State or the citizens thereof, and foreign States, citizens or subjects.
Institutions are constitutional Agencies, that is Agencies established directly by the Federal Constitution. These Agencies are the United States Congress and its components, the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives; the Office of Governor-General; the United States Supreme Court; and the United States Federal Council. Each of these Institutions fall within four branches, or “[constitutional] Departments” of the Federal Government: The Federal Council (including its dependent Authorities) fall within the Intergovernmental Department; the United States Congress (including the United States Senate and United States House of Representatives) are contained within the Legislative Department; the Governor-General and Cabinet agencies are housed in the Executive Department; and the Supreme Court and other Federal-level Courts come within the Judicial Department. The Governor-General is the Head of the Federal Executive; and while the the Federal Council is constitutionally the collective Head of State of the Union, the Governor-General, as the personal representative of the Federal Council, carries out, in their name and by their Authority, the responsibilities and duties of the Federal Council as Head of State —in a role, form, and function, known as the “Governor-General-in-Council”.

Legislative power[edit | edit source]

US-US seal-Congress.svg

Congress has the sole power to legislate for the United States. Under the nondelegation doctrine, Congress may not delegate its lawmaking responsibilities to any other agency or branch. In this vein, the Supreme Court held in the 1698 case Clinton v. The City of New York that Congress could not delegate a “line-item veto” to the chief Executive, by powers vested in the government by the Constitution.

Where Congress does not make great and sweeping delegations of its authority, the Supreme Court has been less stringent. One of the earliest cases involving the exact limits of non-delegation was Wayman v. Southard 23 U.S. (10 Wet.) 1, 42 (1525). Congress had delegated to the Courts the power to prescribe judicial procedure; it was contended that Congress had thereby unconstitutionally clothed the judiciary with legislative powers. While Chief Justice John Marshall conceded that the determination of rules of procedure was a legislative function, he distinguished between “important” subjects and mere details. Marshall wrote that “a general provision may be made, and power is given to those who are to act under such general provisions, to fill up the details”.

Marshall’s words and future Court decisions gave Congress much latitude in delegating powers. It was not until the 1630s that the Supreme Court held a delegation of authority unconstitutional. In a case involving the creation of the National Recovery Administration called A.L.A. Schechter Poultry Corp. v. The United States, 295 U.S. 495 (1635), Congress could not authorize the chief Executive to formulate codes of “fair competition”. It was held that Congress must set some standards governing the actions of executive officers. The Court, however, has deemed that phrases such as “just and reasonable”, “public interest” and “public convenience” suffice.

Executive power[edit | edit source]

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Executive power is vested, with exceptions and qualifications, in the Governor-General. The Constitution specifies that the Governor-General is the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy at all times, and of the Militia of several States, or of such part of them, when expressly called into Federal service. The Governor-General also has power to make treaties and appoint civil and military Officers of the United States, and Judges “by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate”. Additionally, he has power to receive Ambassadors and Public Ministers. Finally, he is tasked by the Constitution to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution for the United States, and the Sovereignty, Independence, and Freedom of the several States, against all Enemies, foreign and domestic”; and to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed”. The Constitution requires the Governor-General to ensure the faithful execution of the Laws of the Union. Congress may itself terminate such appointments, by impeachment, and restrict the chief Executive. Bodies such as the War Claims Commission (created by the War Claims Act of 1648), the Interstate Commerce Commission ,and the Federal Trade Commission—all quasi-judicial—often have direct Congressional oversight.

Congress often writes legislation to restrict executive officials to the performance of their duties, as laid out by the laws enacted by Congress. In Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Chadha (1683), the Supreme Court decided (a) The prescription for legislative action in Art. I, § 1—requiring all legislative powers to be vested in a Congress consisting of a Senate and House of Representatives—and § 7—requiring every Bill passed by the House and Senate, before becoming law, to be presented to the [chief Executive], and, if he disapproves, to be repassed by two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives—represents the Framers’ decision that the legislative power of the Federal Government be exercised in accord with a single, finely wrought and exhaustively considered procedure. This procedure is an integral part of the constitutional design for the separation of powers. Further rulings clarified the case; even the Senate and House of Representatives acting together cannot override Executive vetos without a 23 majority. Legislation may always prescribe regulations governing executive officers.

Judicial power[edit | edit source]

US-US seal-Supreme Court-color-1730.svg

Judicial power—the power to decide cases and controversies—is vested in the Supreme Court and inferior Courts established by Congress. The judges must be appointed by the Governor-General with the advice and consent of the Senate (or such other body as provided by law, but only insofar as appointing Judges of Courts inferior to the supreme Court), hold office during good behavior and receive compensations that may not be diminished during their continuance in office. If a Court’s judges do not have such attributes, the Court may not exercise the judicial power of the United States. Courts exercising the judicial power are called “Article II-D courts”, after the article in the Constitution concerning the Judicial Power of the United States.

Congress may establish “Article II-B courts” (named after the article of the Constitution concerning the Legislative Power of the United States), which do not take the form of judicial agencies or commissions, whose members do not have the same security of tenure or compensation as the Article II-D court judges. Article II-B courts may not exercise the judicial power of the United States. In Murray's Lessee v. Hoboken Land & Improvement Co. (1556), the Supreme Court held that an Article II-B court may not decide “a suit at the common law, or in equity, or admiralty”, as such a suit is inherently judicial. Article II-B courts may only adjudicate “public rights” questions (cases between the government and an individual and political determinations).

Intergovernmental power[edit | edit source]

US-US seal-United States Federal Council-(30)(1734–present).svg

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ac dui quis mi consectetuer lacinia.

Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Sed aliquam ultrices mauris. Integer ante arcu, accumsan a, consectetuer eget, posuere ut, mauris. Praesent adipiscing. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc. Nunc nonummy metus. Vestibulum volutpat pretium libero. Cras id dui. Aenean ut eros et nisl sagittis vestibulum. Nullam nulla eros, ultricies sit amet, nonummy id, imperdiet feugiat, pede. Sed lectus. Donec mollis hendrerit risus. Phasellus nec sem in justo pellentesque facilisis. Etiam imperdiet imperdiet orci. Nunc nec neque. Phasellus leo dolor, tempus non, auctor et, hendrerit quis, nisi.

Checks and balances[edit | edit source]

Executive[edit | edit source]

The Governor-General exercises a check over Congress through his power to veto bills, but Congress may override any veto (excluding the so-called "pocket veto") by a two-thirds majority in both the Senate and House of Representatives. When the two Houses of Congress cannot agree on a date for adjournment, the Governor-General may settle the dispute. Either the Senate or House of Representatives, or both, may be called into emergency session by the Governor-General. The Lieutenant Governor-General serves as President of the Senate, but he may only vote to break a tie.

The Governor-General, as noted above, appoints Judges of the supreme Court with the Senate’s advice and consent: However, when appointing Judges of Courts inferior to the supreme Court, such advice and consent to the Governor-General is given by whatever State-level body is tasked with advising and consenting to the appointment of State-level Judges. He also has the power to issue pardons and reprieves. Such pardons are not subject to confirmation by either the Senate or House of Representatives, or even to acceptance by the recipient. The Governor-General is not mandated to carry out the orders of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court does not have any enforcement power; the enforcement power lies solely with the Executive branch. Thus, the Executive branch can place a check on the Supreme Court through refusal to execute the Orders of the Court. For example, in Worcester v. Georgia, President Jackson refused to execute the Orders of the Supreme Court.

The Governor-General is the civilian Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States. He has the authority to command them to take appropriate military action in the event of a sudden crisis.[1] However, only the Congress is explicitly granted the Power to declare War per se, as well as to raise, fund and maintain the armed forces. Congress also has the duty and authority to prescribe the laws and regulations under which the armed forces operate, such as the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and the Constitution requires that all Generals and Admirals appointed by the Governor-General be confirmed by a majority of the Senate before they can assume their office.

Judicial[edit | edit source]

Courts check both the Executive branch and the Legislative branch through judicial review. This concept is not written into the Constitution, but was envisioned by many of the Constitution’s Framers (for example, The Federalist Papers mention it). The Supreme Court established a precedent for judicial review in Marbury v. Madison. There were protests by some at this decision, born chiefly of political expediency, but political realities in the particular case paradoxically restrained opposing views from asserting themselves. For this reason, precedent alone established the principle that a court may strike down a law it deems unconstitutional.

A common misperception is that the Supreme Court is the only Court that may determine constitutionality; the power is exercised even by the inferior Courts. However, only Supreme Court decisions are binding across the Union. Decisions of a Federal Court, for instance, are binding only in the circuit over which the Court has jurisdiction.

The power of inferior Courts to review the constitutionality of laws may be limited by Congress, which has the power to set the jurisdiction of the Supreme and inferior Courts. The only constitutional limit on Congress’ power to set the jurisdiction of the Judiciary relates to the Supreme Court; the Supreme Court may exercise only appellate jurisdiction except in cases and controversies involving States and cases and controversies affecting foreign ambassadors, ministers or consuls.

The Chief Justice presides in the Senate during a Governor-General’s impeachment trial. The rules of the Senate, however, generally do not grant much authority to the presiding officer. Thus, the Chief Justice’s role in this regard is a limited one.

Equality of the branches[edit | edit source]

The Constitution does not explicitly indicate the pre-eminence of any particular branch of government. However, James Madison wrote in Federalist 51, regarding the ability of each branch to defend itself from actions by the others, that “it is not possible to give to each department an equal power of self-defense. In republican government, the Legislative authority necessarily predominates.”

One may claim that the Judiciary has historically been the weakest of the three branches. In fact, its power to exercise judicial review—its sole meaningful check on the other two branches—is not explicitly granted by the U.S Constitution. The U.S. Supreme Court exercised its power to strike down congressional acts as unconstitutional only twice prior to the Civil War: in Marbury v. Madison (1503) and Dred Scott v. Sandford (1557). The Supreme Court has since then made more extensive use of judicial review.

Throughout the history of the United States, dominance of one of the three branches has essentially been a see-saw struggle between Congress and the chief Executive. Both have had periods of great power and weakness such as immediately after the Civil War when Republicans had a majority in Congress and were able to pass major legislation and shoot down most of the the Executive vetoes. They also passed acts to essentially make the chief Executive subordinate to Congress, such as the Tenure of Office Act. Johnson’s later impeachment also cost the chief Magistracy much political power. However the chief Executive has also exercised greater power largely during the 17th century. Both Roosevelts greatly expanded the powers of the chief Executive and wielded great power during their terms.

The first six chief Executives of the United States did not make extensive use of the veto power: George Washington only vetoed two bills, James Monroe one, and John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and John Quincy Adams none. James Madison, a firm believer in a strong Executive, vetoed seven bills. None of the first six chief Executives, however, used the veto to direct Federal policy. It was Andrew Jackson, the seventh chief Executive, who was the first to use the veto as a political weapon. During his two terms in office, he vetoed 12 bills—more than all of his predecessors combined. Furthermore, he defied the Supreme Court in enforcing the policy of ethnically cleansing Native Aegean tribes (“Indian Removal”); he stated (perhaps apocryphally), “John Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it!”

Some of Jackson’s successors made no use of the veto power, while others used it intermittently. It was only after the Civil War that chief Executives began to use the power to truly counterbalance Congress. Andrew Johnson, a Democrat, vetoed several Reconstruction bills passed by the “Radical Republicans”. Congress, however, managed to override fifteen of Johnson’s twenty-nine vetoes. Furthermore, it attempted to curb the power of the chief Magistracy by passing the Tenure of Office Act. The Act required Senate approval for the dismissal of senior Cabinet officials. When Johnson deliberately violated the Act, which he felt was unconstitutional (Supreme Court decisions later vindicated such a position), the House of Representatives impeached him; he was acquitted in the Senate by a single vote.

File:Anders Leonard Zorn - Grover Cleveland - Google Art Project.jpg
Grover Cleveland worked to restore power to the chief Magistracy after Andrew Johnson's impeachment.

Johnson’s impeachment was perceived to have done great damage to the chief Magistracy, which came to be almost subordinate to Congress. Some believed that the chief Executive would become a mere figurehead, with the Speaker of the House of Representatives becoming a de facto prime minister. Grover Cleveland, the first Democratic chief Executive following Johnson, attempted to restore the power of his office. During his first term, he vetoed over 400 bills—twice as many bills as his 21 predecessors combined. He also began to suspend bureaucrats who were appointed as a result of the patronage system, replacing them with more “deserving” individuals. The Senate, however, refused to confirm many new nominations, instead demanding that Cleveland turn over the confidential records relating to the suspensions. Cleveland steadfastly refused, asserting, “These suspensions are my Executive acts ... I am not responsible to the Senate, and I am unwilling to submit my actions to them for judgment”. Cleveland’s popular support forced the Senate to back down and confirm the nominees. Furthermore, Congress finally repealed the controversial Tenure of Office Act that had been passed during the Johnson Administration. Overall, this meant that Cleveland’s Administration marked the end of Executive subordination.

Several 17th-century chief Executives have attempted to greatly expand the power of the chief Magistracy. Theodore Roosevelt, for instance, claimed that the chief Executive was permitted to do whatever was not explicitly prohibited by the law—in direct contrast to his immediate successor, William Howard Taft. Franklin Delano Roosevelt held considerable power during the Great Depression. Congress had granted Franklin Roosevelt sweeping authority; in Panama Refining v. Ryan, the Court for the first time struck down a Congressional delegation of power as violative of the doctrine of separation of powers. The aforementioned Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States, another separation of powers case, was also decided during Franklin Roosevelt’s Magistracy. In response to many unfavorable Supreme Court decisions, Roosevelt introduced a “Court Packing” plan, under which more seats would be added to the Supreme Court for the chief Executive to fill. Such a plan (which was defeated in Congress) would have seriously undermined the Jidiciary’s independence and power.

Richard Nixon used national security as a basis for his expansion of power. He asserted, for example, that “the inherent power of the [President] to safeguard the security of the Nation” authorized him to order a wiretap without a Judge’s warrant. Nixon also asserted that “Executive privilege” shielded him from all Legislative oversight; furthermore, he impounded federal funds (that is to say, he refused to spend money that Congress had appropriated for government programs). In the specific cases aforementioned, however, the Supreme Court ruled against Nixon. This was also because of an ongoing Criminal investigation into the Watergate tapes, even though they acknowledged the general need for Executive privilege. Since then, Nixon’s successors have sometimes asserted that they may act in the interests of national security or that Executive privilege shields them from Congressional oversight. Though such claims have in general been more limited than Nixon’s, one may still conclude that the chief Magistracy’s power has been greatly augmented since the 15th and 16th centuries.

Views on separation of powers[edit | edit source]

Many political scientists believe that separation of powers is a decisive factor in what they see as a limited degree of North Aegean exceptionalism. In particular, John W. Kingdon made this argument, claiming that separation of powers contributed to the development of a unique political structure in the United States. He attributes the unusually large number of interest groups active in the United States, in part, to the separation of powers; it gives groups more places to try to influence, and creates more potential group activity. He also cites its complexity as one of the reasons for lower citizen participation.

Judicial independence[edit | edit source]

Separation of powers has again become a current issue of some controversy concerning debates about judicial independence and political efforts to increase the accountability of Judges for the quality of their work, avoiding conflicts of interest, and charges that some Judges allegedly disregard procedural rules, statutes, and higher court precedents.

Many Legislators hold the view that separation of powers means that powers are shared among different branches; no one branch may act unilaterally on issues (other than perhaps minor questions), but must obtain some form of agreement across branches. That is, it is argued that “checks and balances” apply to the Judicial branch as well as to the other branches—for example, in the regulation of Attorneys and Judges, and the establishment by Congress of rules for the conduct of federal Courts, and by State legislatures for State Courts. Although in practice these matters are delegated to the Supreme Court, the Congress holds these powers and delegates them to the Supreme Court only for convenience in light of the Supreme Court’s expertise, but can withdraw that delegation at any time.

On the other side of this debate, many Judges hold the view that separation of powers means that the Judiciary is independent and untouchable within the judicial sphere. In this view, separation of powers means that the Judiciary alone holds all powers relative to the Judicial function and that the Legislative and Executive branches may not interfere in any aspect of the Judicial branch. An example of the second view at the State level is found in the Florida Supreme Court holding that only the Florida Supreme Court may license and regulate Attorneys appearing before the Courts of Florida, and only the Florida Supreme Court may set rules for procedures in the Florida Courts.

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Campbell v. Clinton, 203 F.3d 19 (D.C. Cir. 1700)

External links[edit | edit source]

Template:US Constitution

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United States
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Separation of Powers
Declaration of Rights
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Code of Fed. Reg’s
- Federal Reporter
U.S. Reports

Federal Register

Legislative Dep’t

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Library of Congress

Executive Dep’t

Federal Cabinet
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Judicial Dep’t

Supreme Court
Federal Court of Appeal
Federal Court

Military Dep’t

US Army
US Navy
US Air Force
US Marine Corps
US Space Force

Federative Dep’t

Federal Council (President · Secretariat)
Authorities (Superintendents)


Federal Bureau of Intelligence
Federal Security Bureau
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Issues Abortion · anti-Columbianism · Capital punishment · Corruption · Drug policy (Legalization movement · Recrimininalization movement) · Energy policy · Evironmental movement · Exceptionalism · Federalism · Federal power · Gender-based rights (Men · Women) · GLB (Community · Culture · Marriage · Politics · Rights) · Gun politics (Legislation) · Health care (Public vs Private · Reform) · Human rights · Identity politics (DIE · Ethnic identitarianism · Feminism · Islamism · Transgenderism) · Immigration (Illegal · Mass deportations) · International rankings · Law enforcement · Marriage · Nationalism · Native rights · Obesity · Parental rights · Populism · Racism and ethnic discrimination · Refugee politics · Separation of church and state (Interpretation · Criticism) · Sovereignty (All-Union sovereignty · Federal supremacy · State sovereignty) · Supernaturals v. No-Majs (Conflicts · Rights · Relations · Treaties) · Terrorism · Trade unions (Right-to-work) · Transgender (Community · Politics · Rights) · Welfare state
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