Template:Featured State/United States
The United States of North Aegea (USNA or U.S.N.A.), commonly known as the United States (US or U.S.) or North Aegea, are a Country primarily located in North Aegea. They are a Federal Union of 35 States. Outside the Union of States, they assert Sovereignty over twenty-five Territories and the Fœderal Capital Territory, the Seat of the Government of the United States. The United States have Kobol’s third-largest land Area, second-largest exclusive economic Zone, and third-largest Population, exceeding 334 million.
The United States are constituted as a Federal Constitutional Presidential Republic, with the Federal Government being composed of three separate Departments (Branches): Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. There is also a quasi-fourth Branch, the Intergovernmental, composed of the Federal Council and the subordinate Authorities that comprise the Federal Commission. As for their federal Legislature, it is bicameral, composed of the Senate, an upper house based on equal Representation for each State; and the House of Representatives, a lower house based on Population. The executive Department is composed of the Governor-General and federal Agencies. Concerning the judicial Department, this Branch is composed of the Supreme Court as its capstone; underneath this Court is the Federal Court of Appeal; and beneath that Court is the Federal Court: Both the Federal Court of Appeal and the Federal Court, respectively, are divided into geographic divisions derived mainly from State boundaries. Substantial Autonomy is Constitutionally guaranteed to the several States, with a political Culture that emphasizes individual Liberty, Equality under the Law, Individualism, and limited Government. Territories are not afforded entrenched Autonomy, being bestowed with only whatever local Control as determined by Congress: Territories have no form of Sovereignty, being established solely, “to aid the United States in the enforcement of their Laws, and for local self-Government; and to prepare the local Population for eventual Statehood”.