A republic (from Latin: res publica, meaning "[the] public thing/affair") in which power resides in the People, the citizenry, which is exercised in their name and on their behalf by a number of elected individuals representing the body of the citizenry. These elected representatives constitute what is known as "the State" or "the Government".
In a republic, the State does not belong to any one man (monarchy) or small number of them (oligarchy), but to all of them equally (res publica).
The people who are called to temporarily administer the republic are called from within the whole body of the people, are not owners, but servants of the people (aka public servant); and the governed are not subjects of the government, but citizens: Government is done by and with the Consent of the Governed; And the sovereignty, that is the power to make choices that involve the entire community, belongs to the people (aka, "popular sovereignty"), pursuant to the concept of democratic governance, rule of law, and mixed constitution (aka, "separation of powers"). This power, however, is not to be exercised arbitrarily, but in the forms and within the limits established by the rule of law.