Tiberium is a abundant mineral found in various places on the planet Kobol, among others. Tiberium is composed of 42.5% phosphorus, 32.5% iron, 15.25% calcium, 5.75% copper, 2.5% silica, and 1.5% unknown substances. Its gaseous emissions are composed of 22% methane, 19% sulfur, 12% naphthalene, 10% argon, 6% isobutane, 2% xylene, and 29% unknown gases.
Etymology[edit | edit source]
The substance is named as such because it was first discovered near the river Tiber in Italy.
Crystal habit and structure[edit | edit source]
Tiberium is a dense “dynamic proton lattice” held together by exotic heavy particles. When Tiberium comes into contact with other matter, the heavy particles randomly collide with the nuclei of the target matter, smashing it to pieces (in the case of smaller nuclei) or incrementally knocking off protons or neutrons (in the case of heavier nuclei). Tiberium captures a fraction of the protons that are ejected during this collision process and incorporates them into its own structure, thus transmuting matter into more Tiberium. Whenever one of the heavy particles—a muon or tauon—collides with an atomic nucleus, fission occurs, which results in the production of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation as well as other forms of electromagnetic radiation (like infra-red). During the transmutation process, nuclei that Tiberium has come into contact with may be changed into nuclei with different (usually fewer) numbers of protons or neutrons.
Effects[edit | edit source]
The substance is radioactive and is extremely toxic to carbon-based life, causing either death or severe genetic mutations in plants, humanoid beings and animals alike. It replicates by converting everything around it into more Tiberium either through oddly directed mutation of plantlife, or through direct assimilation of other substances on the atomic level.
Tiberium is extraterrestrial in origin and was introduced to Kobol through a meteorite impact near the Tiber river in Italy, in the year 1650. Direct exposure to Tiberium itself thus starts a biological conversion into Tiberium and from secondary radiation burns and radiation poisoning, others are contaminated and converted around them. It is therefore an extremely contagious propagator.
Varieties (according to colour)[edit | edit source]
Green crystals (Riparius)[edit | edit source]
Green crystals are more common and are usually found in warmer climates, where they can procreate easily. This is the most basic form of Tiberium. Its crystals are small and green in appearance, thus it is commonly referred to as “green Tiberium”. This type of Tiberium has a low level of leeched minerals and is therefore the least valuable variety of Tiberium, albeit the most available. Riparius grows and spreads very fast. This was the first type of Tiberium which arrived in the meteorites at the Tiber river and was therefore given the name Riparius (meaning growing near a river).
The most common proliferator of the Riparius was the “blossom tree”, which launched Tiberium spores (microscopic crystals) that eventually mature into Tiberium pods. The second means of proliferation is the underground spread via root-like structures. However, Tiberium continues to transform itself. By 1695, Tiberium has become a self-replicating proton lattice that turns any matter it touches into more of itself, giving off powerful radiation in the process. More advanced research has been conducted that indicates that this new Tiberium affects matter on the molecular and possibly even smaller scales. It is advised that all carbon-based lifeforms stay well away from Tiberium.
Blue crystals (Vinifera)[edit | edit source]
Blue crystals are more rare and are found in colder climates, especially in Russia, Norway, Alaska, and Canada.
Red crystals (Rifiuti)[edit | edit source]
Occurrence[edit | edit source]
Production and harvesting[edit | edit source]
The worldwide production of Tiberium in 1720 amounted to XXXX, of which XXXX (XX%) was harvested in ???. The top ten Tiberium harvesting countries are the United Aegean Republic, the United States, the Russian Federation, Australia, Mexico, Egypt, China, Zaire, India, and Nigeria; of which the as-discovered deposits in these ten countries account for roughly 64% of the planet's known Tiberium reserves.
Supplies[edit | edit source]
Uses[edit | edit source]
Main article: Tiberium industry
Fuels[edit | edit source]
Other derivatives[edit | edit source]
See also[edit | edit source]