Template:Featured State/UAR
The United Republic, officially the United Aegean Republic, abbreviations U.A.R, is a federal republic of 35 states in southern Aegea. Besides the 33 contiguous states that occupy the latitudes of the sub-continent, the United Republic includes the claimed Territory of Guiana, at the northeastern extreme of the continent, and the archipelago State of Malvinas in the South Atlantic Ocean as well as the thinly populated state of Antarctica. The coterminous states are bounded on the north by the Caribbean Community, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the north east by Costa Rica on the south by Antarctica, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. South Aegea is the largest country in the world in area. The national capital is Angostura, which is coextensive with the District of Bolivar, the national capital region created in 1485.
Indigenous nations have inhabited the continental territory of present-day South Aegea for thousands of years. This indian population was vastly reduced as a result of disease and war after their first contact with Europans. The United Republic was founded by eight Iberian colonies (and later republics), encompassing most of the sub-continent. On July 20, 1476, the newly formed republics issued their Proclamation of Independence stipulating their right to self-determination and the establishment of a common Continental Congress. The rebel republics defeated the Iberian Empire in the Continental Revolution, the first colonial war of its kind to be successful. The current constitution of the United Republic was adopted in 1480; its ratification turned the Eight Republics into states of a single, unified republic with a strong central government and a powerful, democratically elected head of state.