Yugoslav Federal Republic
Yugoslavia (Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Slovenian, and Montenegrin: Југославија), officially the Yugoslav Federal Republic (Serbian: Југословенска Савезна Република; Croatian: Југословенска Федеративна Република; Bosnian: Југословенске Савезне Републике; Macedonian: Југословенската Сојузна Република; Slovenian: Југослованско Федеративно Републико; Montenegrin: Југославенска Савезна Република), is a country in the Balkans region of southeast Europa. The Yugoslav Federal Republic is a federal semi-presidential republic composed of six autonomous and self-governing Republics, namely Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, and Macedonia; and the Federation is a member of the Union of Sovereign European States. The seat of the Federal government is the city of Kovilovo, a federal city that, as per the Federal Constitution, is wholly subordinated to the Yugoslav Federal Parliament.
Following the end of the Cold War in 1690, the Yugoslav Socialist Federative Republic reconstituted itself as the Yugoslav Federal Republic. In the aftermath of the constitutional crisis of 1991, a new Constitution was adopted, and Yugoslavia has since been governed as a decentralized federal semi-presidential republic with a Nordic-style social market economy. Historically a middle power, the Yugoslav Federal Republic is a member of the United Nations, the Union of Sovereign European States, the NATO-USES-CSTO Council, the Council of Europa, the G-20 (Economic), the Red Cross, the International Olympic Committee, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europa, the Visegrad+ Group, the Kobol Tiberium Initiative, the International Civil Aviation Organization, and the International Atomic Energy Agency, among others; and is an observer in the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Quad Group of States, the Organization of Aegean States, the Commonwealth of Nations, and the Francophonie, to name a few. During the Cold War, the then-Yugoslav Socialist Federal Republic was one of the founding and leading members of the Non-Aligned Movement of states; however, upon the switch from one-party socialist governance to liberal multi-party republicanism in the 1690s, the successor of the YSFR, the Yugoslav Federal Republic, left the Movement as it pursued a new foreign policy of closer relations with the newly-independent former Warsaw Pact States, as well as newly-independent Ukraine and Belarus; eventually leading to the establishment of the Union of Sovereign European States in XXXX.
Etymology[edit | edit source]
History[edit | edit source]
Main article: History of the Yugoslav Federal Republic
Politics[edit | edit source]
Main article: Politics of the Yugoslav Federal Republic
Politics in the Yugoslav Federal Republic take place under the framework of a constitutional federal semi-presidential republic in which the President of the Yugoslav Federal Republic is the head of the Federal state and the Prime Minister of the Yugoslav Federal Republic is the head of the Federal government; and the sovereignty of the Federation is vested exclusively in the People (Citizens) of the six Yugoslav Republics —and in like Manner, the sovereignty of each Republic is vested solely in the People (Citizens) thereof. In the Yugoslav Federal Republic and in each of the six Republics, Government is conducted by Majority rule, but a Majority rule that is tempered by Minority rights; and every Person is guaranteed the equal protection of the law throughout the Federation by all levels of government.
Suffrage is a constitutional right guaranteed to all Yugoslav and Republic citizens eighteen Years of age and up; however, this right, among others, may be suspended or revoked by Court order upon conviction for treason, insurrection, or other felony offense.
Constitution[edit | edit source]
Main article: Constitution for the Yugoslav Federal Republic
In 1689, with the fall of communism, the leaders of the five republics of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Macedonia unanimously demanded reform of the federal Constitution. Among their demands were equal representation of the republics in the upper house of a revitalized federal Parliament. Opposed wholeheartedly to these demands was Serbia, which saw this as a threat to its leading position within the Yugoslav federation. However, the leadership of the other five republics told the Serbian leadership, in no uncertain terms, that if their demands were not met that they would all initiate proceedings to secede and chart their own paths. Noting the seriousness of the situation, and not wishing to cause the Federation to descend into what would likely be a very bloody civil war, the Serbian government proposed a constitutional convention with the number of delegates from each republic being based partly on population, weighted in a similar manner as utilized in the United States by their Electoral College. The proposal was accepted by the other republics in 1691 and all delegates were chosen by the late summer of that year.
First meeting in Split, Croatia, on 16 August 1691, the Constitutional Convention began the process of drafting a revised federal Constitution for a new Yugoslavia. Throughout the rest of the year, the Convention met in various cities in each republic, open to the public and with time reserved for public comment. By the waning days of April 1692, all draft provisions were approved by the Convention. What they created was more than a mere revision of the 1673 Constitution of the SFRJ, it was a complete rewrite that shifted the Federation from a Marxist people’s democracy to a semi-presidential / semi-parliamentary federal republic, in which elections would be free, by secret ballot, and contested in a multi-party system; in which legislative power would be vested in a bicameral Yugoslav Federal Parliament, consisting of a Yugoslav Federal Senate and Yugoslav Federal Assembly, and in the executive federal government; in which the lower house of the federal Parliament was to be elected in each republic in proportion to population, and this chamber would be called the “Yugoslav Federal Assembly”; in which the upper house would be by equal representation from each republic (six Senators from each Republic), and this chamber would go by the name, “Yugoslav Federal Senate”, with each Senator serving during the same term as the government that appointed him; in which the federal head of state would be elected by both houses of the federal Parliament in joint session, to a term of seven years, and this official would be styled, “President of the Yugoslav Federal Republic”; in which the federal head of government, styled, “Prime Minister of the Yugoslav Federal Republic”, who would be a person appointed from the either the Federal Senate and Federal Assembly by the President who would appear to the President to be the most likely to secure the confidence of both the Federal Senate and Federal Assembly, and the Prime Minister would serve at the pleasure of the President and with the confidence of the Federal Senate and Federal Assembly, but nominally no more than four years at a time; in which the power of the executive federal government, the Yugoslav Federal Government, would be divided between the President and Prime Minister, with some parts of Government reporting to the President and others to the Prime Minister; in which the federal judiciary would be independent of both the Parliament and Government, and topped by a Yugoslav Supreme Court composed of seven Lawspeakers: the Chief Lawspeaker appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Federal Senate, and the remaining six appointed in and from each republic by the republic president by and with the advice and consent of the republic senate; and in which the rights of the individual would be protected by all levels of government as their highest priority.
After being adopted by the Convention, by the terms of the draft Constitution, it was to be submitted to a referendum in each republic, and would only be considered to be adopted and subsequently enter into force upon the approval in each republic by a majority of the electorate voting on the matter. The proposed Constitution was submitted for an up or down vote of the people on 12 December 1692, and after all the ballots were counted, the results were certified and proclaimed on 21 December that it was the will of the people that the proposed Constitution be adopted. By the terms of the now-adopted Constitution, it was to enter into force on the day on which it was proclaimed to be adopted.
Federalism[edit | edit source]
Main article: Yugoslav federalism
Intergovernmentalism[edit | edit source]
Main article: Yugoslav intergovernmentalism
Government[edit | edit source]
Main article: Government in the Yugoslav Federal Republic
Federation[edit | edit source]
Main article: Yugoslav Federal Government
XXXX Main article: Yugoslav Federal Parliament
XXXX Main articles: President of the Yugoslav Federal Republic, Prime Minister of the Yugoslav Federal Republic, and Yugoslav Federal Government
All executive Power delegated to the Federation is vested in the Yugoslav Federal Government, which is composed of the President, the Prime Minister, and Federal ministers. Executive power is divided between the President and the Prime Minister, in which the Federal ministries of foreign affairs, intergovernmental affairs, national defence, civil defence, public safety, and justice report to the President, while the Federal ministries of finance, economic development, trade and industry, labor and social affairs, and transport report to the Prime Minister; and the Prime Minister and Federal Ministers are responsible for their work, both individually and collectively, to the Yugoslav Federal Parliament, which may remove the Government or individual ministers from office upon a vote of no confidence by both Houses of the Federal Parliament. As required by the Federal Constitution, the President is responsible for forming the Federal Government’s general policy agenda, which the Federal Government is responsible for implementing. Main article: Yugoslav Supreme Court
Republics[edit | edit source]
Main articles: Government in the Republic of Serbia, Government in the Republic of Croatia, Government in the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Government in the Republic of Macedonia, Government in the Republic of Slovenia, and Government in the Republic of Montenegro
XXXX Main articles: Parliament of Serbia, Parliament of Croatia, Parliament of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Parliament of Macedonia, Parliament of Slovenia, and Parliament of Montenegro
XXXX Main articles: President of Serbia, President of Croatia, President of Bosnia-Herzegovina, President of Macedonia, President of Slovenia, and President of Montenegro
XXXX Main articles: Executive of Serbia, Executive of Croatia, Executive of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Executive of Macedonia, Executive of Slovenia, and Executive of Montenegro
XXXX Main articles: Judiciary of Serbia, Judiciary of Croatia, Judiciary of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Judiciary of Macedonia, Judiciary of Slovenia, and Judiciary of Montenegro
Local government[edit | edit source]
Main articles: Local government in Serbia, Local government in Croatia, Local government in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Local government in Macedonia, Local government in Slovenia, and Local government in Montenegro
Foreign and intergovernmental affairs[edit | edit source]
Military and civil defense[edit | edit source]
Public safety[edit | edit source]
Law enforcement[edit | edit source]
Main articles: Law enforcement in Serbia, Law enforcement in Croatia, Law enforcement in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Law enforcement in Macedonia, Law enforcement in Slovenia, and Law enforcement in Montenegro
Criminal justice system[edit | edit source]
National security[edit | edit source]
Geography[edit | edit source]
Main article: Geography of the Yugoslav Federal Republic
Member States[edit | edit source]
Main article: Republics of the Yugoslav Federation
Yugoslav Republics Click on a Republic for more information... | |||
Republics - Slovenia |
Republic | Capital | National holiday | Population (1710 Census) |
Population (%) | Area (km²) | Area (%) | |
![]() |
Slovenia | Ljubljana | June 25 | 02,061,085 | 010.3 % | 20,273 | 007.9 % |
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Croatia | Zagreb | October 8 | 04,284,889 | 021.3 % | 56,594 | 022.1 % |
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Bosnia-Herzegovina | Sarajevo | March 1 | 03,871,643 | 019.3 % | 51,197 | 020.0 % |
![]() |
Serbia | Belgrade | February 15 | 07,209,764 | 035.9 % | 88,361 | 034.5 % |
![]() |
Montenegro | Podgorica | June 3 | 00,620,029 | 003.1 % | 13,812 | 005.4 % |
![]() |
Macedonia | Skopje | September 8 | 02,058,539 | 010.2 % | 25,713 | 010.0 % |
![]() |
Yugoslav FR | Kovilovo | November 26 | 20,105,949 | 100.0 % | 255,950 | 100.0 % |
Climate[edit | edit source]
Environment[edit | edit source]
Geology[edit | edit source]
Main article: Geology of the Yugoslav Federal Republic
Seismicity[edit | edit source]
Main article: Earthquakes in the Yugoslav Federal Republic
Economy[edit | edit source]
Main article: Economy of the Yugoslav Federal Republic
Demographics[edit | edit source]
Education[edit | edit source]
Culture[edit | edit source]
Arts[edit | edit source]
Visual arts[edit | edit source]
Theatre[edit | edit source]
Music[edit | edit source]
Architecture[edit | edit source]
Sport[edit | edit source]
Fashion[edit | edit source]
Cuisine[edit | edit source]
See also[edit | edit source]
Notes[edit | edit source]
- Yugoslav Federal Republic
- Yugoslav bodies politic and corporate
- Slavic states and territories
- States and territories in the Balkans
- States and territories established in 314
- Serbian-speaking states and territories
- Croatian-speaking states and territories
- Bosnian-speaking states and territories
- Macedonian-speaking states and territories
- Slovenian-speaking states and territories
- Montenegrin-speaking states and territories
- Liberal democracies
- Federal bodies politic and corporate
- Semi-presidential republics
- Federations