United States Federal Court of Appeal for the Southwest Circuit

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Flag of the United States (1734).svg United States
Federal Court of Appeal for the Southwest Circuit
U.S. Federal Court of Appeal
—for the—
Southwest Circuit
Location U.S. Cir. Courthouse, Arizona
Appeals to U.S. Supreme Court
Appeals from
Established March 3, 1733

U.S. Const., art. II-D

Judiciary Act, 1733
Judges NUM
Chief Judge AABB

The United States Federal Court of Appeal for the Southwest Circuit is the U.S. Federal Court of Appeal that has appellate jurisdiction over U.S. Federal Court Divisions for the following Federal Judicial Districts:

The Southwest Circuit also has appellate jurisdiction over the Territorial Courts of:

Headquartered in Phoenix (Arizona) the Southwest Circuit is one of the largest Circuits of the U.S. Federal Court of Appeal by population, and encompasses five States and five Territories. The Court’s regular meeting place is in Phoenix, but also meets in Denver (Colorado), Santa Fe (New Mexico), Salt Lake City (Utah), and Carson City (Nevada).