Senate of the Federation (Russian DFR)

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Senate of the Federation
Сенат Федерации
422nd Federal Duma
RU-RU wordmark-Senate of the Federation-2021(alt).svg
Type Upper house
TBD (?)
Deputy Speaker TBD2 (?)
Membership 128 Senators
(2 per Province)

Political groups Non-partisan
     Federalist Alliance (38)

Voting system
Appointed in and for each Province by the provincial Governor, by and with the Advice and Consent of the provincial Council
Last election 21 December 1726
Next election 21 December 1728
Meeting place
KB-RU capitol1.jpg
Senate Chamber
Federation House
Petrograd, F.G.
Russian Democratic Federative Republic


History[edit | edit source]


Powers[edit | edit source]


Members[edit | edit source]

Each of the sixty-four Provinces sends two Senators, chosen by the provincial Governor, by and with the Advice and Consent of the upper house of the provincial Legislature, to a Term of fifteen Years, renewable once consecutively. There are 128 Senators; they are divided as evenly as may be into three Classes (about 42 or 43 seats per Class), so that the Seats of one Class are filled by the Provinces every five Years. The Times of appointing Senators is staggered intentionally so that the Federation Senate, as a body, may be more sober and less prone to whimsy as the more populist Assembly, which is elected all at once every five Years and is more prone to express the whimsy and passion of the People. The Federation Senate, while also an equal partner in the legislative process, was intended to be a “house of sober, second thought,” intended to check and balance the populism, whimsy, emotional, and passion of the Assembly: While the Seats of the entire Assembly would be filled every five Years, functioning almost like a revolving door as to the issues of the day, the Federation Senate was to be a stabilizing force; and counter the populism and passionate whimsy of the Assembly with sobriety, continuity, and order.

There are no political parties or other such factions in the Senate. Rather, the Federation Senate operates according to provincial interests instead of partisan interests.

Seating[edit | edit source]

The plenary chamber of the Federation Senate is arranged according to the principles of a hemicycle. Seating is assigned and arranged according province; there are no organized political parties or factions in the Federation Senate. Instead, the Senate operates according to provincial interests rather than partisan interests.

As the Federation Senate is officially nonpartisan (and operates as such), seating in this body is arranged by Province, reckoned in alphabetical order according to their names in Russian, in a hemicycle.

Senate in Russian government[edit | edit source]


Senate in the Russian Federalist System[edit | edit source]