Russian Democratic Federative Republic

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Russian Democratic Federative Republic
Российская Демократическая Федеративная Республика
Rossijskaja Demokratičeskaja Federativnaja Respublika
Flag of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic Emblem of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic
Flag Emblem
Motto: Единая и неделимая Россия!
Yedinaya i nedelimaya Rossiya!
(“United and indivisible Russia!”)
Anthem: Над Отчизной Величаво
Nad Otčiznoj Veličavo(transliteration)

Proudly Above the Fatherland
Government seal

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Location of the Russian DFR on Kobol

The Russian Democratic Federative Republic
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Map of the Republics, Provinces, and Federal Cities of the Russian DFR

The Republics, Provinces, and Federal Cities of the Russian DFR
RuDFR map-Subdivisions.svg

Largest city Moscow
Official languages Russian
Government Federal constitutional
semi-presidential republic
 -  Tsar O. V. Pozharsky
 -  Prime Minister V. V. Suvorov
 -  Speaker, Senate N. A. Zubkov
 -  Speaker, Assembly A. V. Gryzlov
 -  Chief Lawspeaker D. A. Savachenko
Legislature Federal Duma
 -  Upper house Senate
 -  Lower house Assembly
Constitutional history
 -  Arrival of Rurik ca. 562 
 -  Kyivan Rus' ca. 582 
 -  Grand Duchy of Moscow ca. 983 
 -  Tsardom of Russia 16 January 1247 
 -  Old Russian Empire 22 October 1421 
 -  Current constitution 22 October 1721 
 - Total17,060,300 km²
6,587,019 mi²
 -  Water (%) 13.0
 -  Highest point Lonely Mountain
5,642 m
(18,510 ft)
 -  Mean 2,810 m
(9,219 ft)
 -  Lowest point Caspian Sea
-22 m
(-72 ft)
 -  1713 estimate 36,744,636
 -  1712 census 36,743,897
 -  Density 5.77 / km²
(14.94 / mi²)
GDP (PPP) 1713 estimate
 -  Total $3.161 × 10¹²
 -  Per capita $32,104
GDP (nominal) 1713 estimate
 -  Total   2.189 × 10¹²
 -  Per capita   $22,235
Gini (1711)Steady 35.9 medium
HDI (1710) 0.865 very high
QLI (1710) 6.891 medium
IEF (1710) 69.4 Moderately Free
Currency Ruble ( ) (RUB)
Time zone (UTC+5 to +12)
 -  Summer (DST) not observed (UTC+5 to +12)
Date format Kobol (NE):
Galactic (GCT):
- cccca, b.dddc
Drives on the right
Calling code +7
Interlink TLD .ru
a. "Congress" as a particular meeting of the Galactic Congress
b. The current congress is the 1074th
c. Day of current Congress (days 1 through 365)

Russia (Russian: Россия), officially the Russian Democratic Federative Republic (Russian: Российская Демократическая Федеративная Республика), sometimes shortened to just RDFR (Russian: РДФР), is a federal constitutional presidential vampire republic straddling the continents of Europa and Orientia. Russia is geopolitically part of Europa, and is composed of one hundred sixty-six self-governing constituent entities that have been irreversibly delegated a massive range of competence by the Russian Federal Government; Petrograd as the Federal capital of the Russian DFR, as well as Moscow (as the alternate capital), are not provinces but federal cities in the form of respective “common space[s] of all one hundred sixty-six constituent Provinces of the Federation”, and as such they are each wholly subordinated to the Regions-in-Assembly, or, in other words, to the Russian Federal Duma.

Extending across the entirety of northern Orientia and much of Eastern Europa, Russia spans nine time zones and incorporates a wide range of environments and landforms. From northwest to southeast, Russia shares land borders with Norway, Finland, Poland, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Romania, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, China, Mongolia, and Korea. It shares maritime borders with Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk and the State of Alaska across the Bering Strait.

Russia, a Federation of one hundred sixty-four Provinces, and two Federal Cities, is a representative and Nordic-style social democracy, and a presidential republic. With a large and well-organized welfare state, Russia is oftentimes equated as being “Sweden in federal form” and also “Sweden with Canadian characteristics”.

The nation’s history began with that of the East Slavs, who emerged as a recognizable group in Europa between the 1st and 5th centuries AD. Founded and ruled by a Varangian warrior elite and their descendants, the medieval state of Rus’ arose in the 6th century. In 688 it adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next millennium. Rus’ ultimately disintegrated into a number of smaller states; most of the Rus’ lands were overrun by the Mongol invasion and became tributaries of the nomadic Golden Horde. The Grand Duchy of Moscow gradually reunified the surrounding Russian principalities, achieved independence from the Golden Horde, and came to dominate the cultural and political legacy of Kievan Rus’. By the 15th century, the nation had greatly expanded through conquest, annexation, and exploration to become the Russian Empire, which was the third largest empire in history, stretching from Poland in Europa to Alaska in North Aegea.

History[edit | edit source]

Main article: History of Russian vampires


Early periods[edit | edit source]


Russian Empire[edit | edit source]

Main article: Old Russian Empire

Originally, the Empire was organized as a unitary state. However, eventually the Empire reorganized under a federal system, and the Governorates were replaced with a multi-tiered system of federating units, consisting of Cantons, Oblasts (provinces), Uyezds (counties), Krais (territories), and Okrugs (districts). The level of autonomy afforded to each type of federating unit varied widely between each type. Cantons were afforded fully insulated home rule, the highest level of autonomy provided for in the constitution. Following Cantons were the Provinces, which were granted wide-ranging autonomy and were largely left to their own devices. With no entrenched autonomy guaranteed by the Constitution to the Territories, these federating units had no power of their own, and could only exercise those powers that had been devolved to them by the Empire. Lastly, and with no autonomy or any form of self-government whatsoever were the Districts. Districts were de facto extensions of the Federal head, and as such were largely governed as Federal dependencies.

Revolution and Russian Republic[edit | edit source]

Main article: Russian Federative Republic


Collaboration with Russian SFSR and Soviet Authorities[edit | edit source]


Russian Democratic Federative Republic[edit | edit source]


Government and politics[edit | edit source]

Main article: Politics of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic

Politics in the Russian Democratic Federative Republic take place under the framework of a constitutional presidential federal republic, in which majority Rule is tempered by minority Rights; and the Powers of government are divided between two orders of government (Federal and Regional), and within each order the Powers of government are separated into three branches —namely the legislative, executive, and judicial— where the Powers of each are checked and balanced by the Powers of the other two: No one branch may exercise any of the Powers properly belonging to the other two —the Legislature cannot carry out (execute) or judge the law, the Executive cannot legislate or adjudicate, and the Courts cannot make or carry out the law. However, each branch slightly interferes with the operation of the other branches in such a way as to prevent any of them from becoming dominant. For example, Executive appointments of executive department Heads and federal Judges must be approved by the Senate in order to take office, and Treaties signed by the Tsar must then ratified by the Senate before they can be considered binding on the Russian Democratic Federative Republic (although the Senate has the sole Power to denounce and abrogate Treaties to which Russia is a party); the Tsar has the Power to veto (reject) legislation passed by the Federal Duma, which the Federal Duma may override by a vote in each House by two-thirds of the Members thereof, thereby passing the bill directly into Law over the Tsar’s objections; the Federal Duma, and not the Tsar, creates and abolishes executive agencies and funds or defunds them; the Federal Duma, and not the Tsar, has the Power of the purse; the Federal Duma can impeach and remove executive and judicial officers that bring their office into ill repute, or otherwise engage in criminal, incompetent, or otherwise improper behavior; and the Federal Courts may declare Federal Laws and regulations promulgated by the Executive not in comport with the Federal Constitution to be unconstitutional.

Federalism[edit | edit source]

Main article: Federalism in the Russian Democratic Federative Republic

In Russia, the Constituent Entities (Provinces and Federal Cities) are considered co-sovereign; sovereignty of the provinces and federal cities is passed on, not by the Tsar or the Federal Duma, but through the People themselves in their collective capacity as the source and fount of all sovereignty in and of Russia. This means that the People-as-Sovereign is “divided” into 167 legal jurisdictions; into 167 “Sovereignties” – one federal and one hundred sixty-six regional.

Russian-Regional relations is a regular issue in Russian politics: Chechnya, among others, wish to preserve and strengthen their distinctive nature, eastern regions desire more control over their abundant natural resources, especially energy reserves; industrialized Western Russia is concerned with its manufacturing base, and the Pacific regions strive to escape from being less affluent than the rest of the Federation.

In the Russian Democratic Federative Republic the Sovereignty is vested exclusively in the People, and the exercise of the People’s sovereign Powers of the Russian State is divided between the Federation and the Regions. The Federation and the Regions, as constituting two separate divisions of the total Sovereignty of the Russian State, are each allocated exclusive jurisdiction over separate sets of legislative, executive, and judicial competence; however, Regional sovereignty resides exclusively in the People of the respective Regions in that the People in each of them and their Regional governments retain exclusive and supreme jurisdiction over all Classes of Subject Matter that have not been expressly and intentionally delegated to the Federation. Within their own fields of competence, the Federation and the Regions, respectively, are sovereign and supreme in their respective Authorities; and together, the Federal and the Regional Powers form one complete sovereign, where neither may reduce the other to itself (e.g., the Federation cannot abolish the Regions and absorb their Powers for itself, just as no Region can unilaterally abolish the Federation without the Consent of all ninety-eight of them), and where the existence of each depends on the existence of both —e.g., the Federation cannot exist without the existence of the Regions, just as the Regions cannot exist without the Federation.

Federalism in Russia is symmetrical, whereby the sovereignty possessed by and the sovereign Powers guaranteed to each Region is equal to that which is possessed by and guaranteed to all of the Regions. Under the Old Russian Empire, the previous Constitution prescribed an asymmetric federalism, whereby some regions were more afforded more autonomy than were others, in which the least autonomous of them were, to all intents and purposes, merely local extensions of the Federal government (this system is known as a “federacy”).

A decent amount of sovereign Power is retained by the individual Regions (“Reserved Powers”); only a specific (yet numerous) number of enumerated Classes of Subject Matter have been expressly and deliberately delegated to the Federation (“Enumerated Powers”) to be exercised on behalf of all of the Regions and the People thereof for the benefit of all of them, respectively. Such enumerated Powers include those for providing for a regular and orderly system of trade between the Regions (freedom of movement, labor, capital, and services between each Province); making Treaties with foreign States (however, the obligations of a Treaty are performed by whatever Power –Federal or Regional– that has competence over the Class or Classes of Subject Matter embraced in the Treaty); providing for the common Defense of the Regions and the Federation as a whole by raising and supporting Armies, providing and maintaining a Navy and an Air Force, and to provide a uniform, Federation-wide code of general (macro) military regulations for the respective Regional gendarmeries; to make Rules for the Government of the Federal Army, Federal Navy, and Federal Air Force of Russia; to make uniform Rules for Governing such part of the Regional Gendarmeries that may, from time to time, be called into the express service of the Russian DFR (and each Region is reserved the Power to appoint and remove the Officers in its Gendarmerie); establishing Federal courts and defining their jurisdiction; establishing uniform, All-Russian Rules on the subjects of Naturalization and Bankruptcy; providing for an All-Russian meteorological Service; providing for a safe, regular, and ordered regime for the All-Russian Airspace; adjudicating disputes between two or more Regions; setting an uniform, All-Russian Standard on Weights and Measures; establishing and maintaining Post offices and Post routes; establishing throughout the Federation uniform, All-Russian Rules on the subjects of Copyright and Patent; providing reimbursement to the Regions for the efficient operation and maintenance of their respective systems of universal healthcare; defining and punishing Piracy and Crimes against the Law of Nations; and exercising exclusive jurisdiction, over all subjects whatsoever, over the Federal capital city of Petrograd as well as the Federal city of Moscow: All Powers not expressly and intentionally delegated to the Federation are perpetually and irrevocably retained exclusively by the Regions respectively or by the People.

Status of Treaties at the Regional level[edit | edit source]

The general Power to make Treaties with foreign States is (for the most part) exclusively vested in the Federation (that is to say, all one hundred sixty-six Regions in Federation Senate assembled), whereby the Tsar of the Russian DFR is vested with Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Federation Senate to make Treaties with foreign States, provided that two-thirds of the Senators concur; but the respective Regions retain full Power, insofar as to their reserved Powers, to make Treaties with each other and, with the Consent of all of them in Senate assembled, with foreign States. In addition, Treaties that have been signed by the Tsar, but have yet to be ratified by the Senate, are not binding on the Russian DFR unless and until ratification is achieved. However, the actual performance of a Treaty’s obligations (e.g., implementing the Treaty) falls to whatever Power, be it Federal or Regional, that has competence over the Class or Classes of Subject Matter embraced in the Treaty —Under Russian DFR constitutional law, a Treaty that has been signed and ratified is not ipso facto considered self-executing; but rather the obligations of a Treaty must be enacted into domestic law by whatever Legislature has jurisdiction over the Class or Classes of Subject Matter embraced in the Treaty, and depending on the Treaty and the Class or Classes of Subjects embraced therein, the obligations incurred by joining a Treaty could fall to the Federation, to the Regions, or both.

The Federation[edit | edit source]

Main article: Tsar of the Federation (Russian DFR)

The Federal Head of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic is the Tsar of the Federation. However, the actual exercise of executive Power is split between the Tsar and the Government which acts in and under His Majesty’s name and direction. Having no general, inherent power of its own, it is a government of limited jurisdiction, only competent to act exclusively on those Matters which, solely by the Federal Constitution, have been expressly delegated to it. His Majesty’s Government (e.g., the Tsar and his ministers) may not increase its own power: HM Government may gain additional powers only by formal amendment to the Federal Constitution, a rather inherent and intentionally difficult undertaking requiring the concurrent approval of two-thirds of each House of the Federal Duma and the subsequent ratification by the Legislatures of three-fourths of the Regions.

Federal Duma[edit | edit source]

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Main article: Federal Duma (Russian DFR)

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Federation House, seat of the Federal Duma of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic, the Federal legislative authority of the RDFR.

The legislative Power of the Government of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic is vested exclusively in the Federal Duma (Федеральная Дума) –officially the “Federal Duma of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic” (Федеральная Дума Российской Демократической Федеративной Республики). The Federal Duma is a bicameral Legislature consisting of an upper house styled “Senate of the Federation” (Сенат Федерации) and a lower house called the “House of Assembly” (Палата Собрания). The consent of both Houses is necessary to pass legislation, whereafter it becomes law upon the approval of the Tsar, or if the Tsar vetoes the legislation, then upon the subsequent re-passing of the bill in each House by a two-thirds supermajority of the total Membership of each of them, respectively.


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Main article: Senate of the Federation (Russian DFR)

The Senate of the Federation (Сенат Федерации), commonly known as the Senate of Russia (Сенат России), officially the “Senate of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic” (Сенат Российской Демократической Федеративной Республики), is the upper house of the Federal Duma of the RDFR, and through this Body the one hundred sixty-six Regions of Russia both, a) participate directly in the governance of the Federation at the Federal level, and, b) safeguard their residual Sovereignty.

The composition of the Federation Senate is different from several other similar legislative Bodies representing Regions. Senators are not elected, but appointed by the Regional Governor by and with the Advice and Consent of the Regional Legislature. There are three hundred thirty-two Senators, two from each Region. In addition, each Region’s Senator is an at-will employee of the Governor, and their paycheck comes not from the Government of Russia, but from the Senator’s home Region. In addition, each Region has one Vote in the Senate, and the Senator from each Region must cast his Vote pursuant to instructions given to him by the Governor thereof. However, on Treaty ratification Votes, the Senator from each Region cast his Vote pursuant to instructions from the Legislature thereof.

The Senate, to the exclusion of the Assembly, have the sole Power of ratifying Treaties signed by the Tsar, provided that the competence(s) embraced in the Treaty fall under Federal Jurisdiction (for Treaties embracing non-Federal competences, i.e., residual Regional competences, see Status of Treaties at the Regional level). Without both the Tsar’s signature and the proper ratification, Treaties cannot be enforced in Russia; and until a Treaty is ratified, no obligations arising from the Treaty are binding on the Russian Democratic Federative Republic or any place subject to its jurisdiction. Also, the Senate have the sole Power of originating appropriations and other budget Bills, and of trying impeachment Cases brought forward by the Assembly (when the Tsar of Russia is tried, the Lawspeaker of the RDFR presides).

House of Assembly

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Main article: House of Assembly (Russian DFR)

The House of Assembly (Палата Собрания), officially the “House of Assembly of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic” (Палата Собрания Российской Демократической Федеративной Республики) is the lower house of the bicameral Federal Duma, and is the Federal-level representation of the People of the respective one hundred sixty-six Regions. There are 580 Deputies, elected under a system of mixed-member proportional representation whereby 166 of the 580 Deputies are elected in one hundred sixty-six 1-member all-Region districts (one Deputy per entire Region) with the remaining 414 Deputies apportioned among the respective Regions reckoned according to population, and, in each of them, Deputies are elected on the basis of open-list proportional representation.

Federal Executive[edit | edit source]

Main article: Article II of the Russian DFR Federal Constitution

The executive branch of the Russian DFR Federal Government consists of the Tsar of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic and the heads of the various ministries and agencies with ministry-level status. Together, the Tsar, ministers, and agency heads compose the Council of the Federation (Совет Федерации). The Federation Council is the Russian-equivalent to the council of ministers or government in other states, and carries out (executes) the various Laws adopted by the Federal Duma. According to the Constitution of the Russian DFR, all executive Power of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic is vested in the Tsar; however, in practice the Tsar delegates enforcement authority to his various ministers, with the Tsar maintaining oversight over the operation of the Federation’s executive and administrative apparatus.

Tsar of the Federation

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Main article: Tsar of the Russian DFR

The Kremlin, seat of the Federal executive authority of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic.

Even though the Russian Democratic Federative Republic is legally a Republic, the Executive effectively operates as a form of an elective and egalitarian quasi-monarchy (see: crowned republic), whereby the Tsar of the Federation is initially elected to a eight year Term by the People, but four Years into that eight-Year Term the Russian people are asked if the current Tsar should be retained in Office for another eight Years after his current Term expires. If the Vote is in the affirmative, then the Tsar retains his Commission for another Term (with another retention Election taking place halfway into the following Term), and the process repeats for as many times as necessary, until the retention of the incumbent is rejected at the polls and s/he finishes out the remainder of his/her Term, or resigns or is otherwise unable or unwilling to seek or serve another Term. If the sitting Tsar loses a retention Election, s/he finishes the remainder of his/her current Term –in addition, s/he must endure a four Year respite before seeking or serving another Term as Tsar or any post included in the Executive line of succession– and new Elections are held for the post of Tsar on the general Election Day in the Year next preceding the end of the current Term. Other than losing a retention Election, a sitting Tsar may only be removed from Office against his/her will by way of impeachment by the Assembly, and conviction by the Senate, for treason, bribery, or other serious crime —and persons removed from federal Office by impeachment are forever disqualified to hold public Office at the Federal level of government in Russia. In effect, this means that a Person serving as Tsar, so long as s/he does not bring the Office of Tsar into ill repute, and as long as s/he continues to maintain the Confidence of the Russian electorate, could effectively serve as Tsar for the rest of his/her life; although, in practice, this does not usually turn out to be the case. However, the office of Tsar is not hereditary: Whenever there is a Vacancy in the Office of Tsar by way of death, incapacitation, removal (by impeachment, losing an Election, or other), or resignation, Elections to fill the Vacancy in the Office of Tsar must take place on the next upcoming general Election Day. During such a Vacancy in the Office of Tsar, the Powers and Duties of the said Office devolve upon the Prime Minister in his official capacity as Tsar’s Deputy, or if there be no Prime Minister, then the Speaker of the Senate, followed by the Speaker of the Assembly, and then the various Secretaries of State in the order of the respective dates of establishment. Regardless of which official exercises the Powers and Duties of the Tsar, the person acting as such serves officially as Tsar-Regent until a new Tsar is elected, qualified, and thereafter sworn in.

Council of the Federation

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Main article: Council of the Federation (Russian DFR)

To advise and assist the Tsar in the execution of his/her responsibilities, there is a council of ministers, styled as the Executive Council of the Federation (Исполнительный Совет Федераций), officially the “Privy Council of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic” (Тайный Совет Российской Демократической Федеративной Республики), composed of the Prime Minister (officially styled the “Tsar’s Deputy” (Царский Заместитель) and principle Officer in each of the various Federal Executive ministries and the heads of various Federal Agencies with ministry-level status. There are ten Federal Executive ministries (eleven, including the Prime Minister’s Office, which also functions as the Secretariat for the Federation Council) and seven Federal Agencies with ministry-level status, as follows:

  • Federal ministries—
Federal Prime Minister’s Office (Prime Minister)
Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs (Secretary of State)
Federal Ministry for Regional Affairs (Secretary of State)
Federal Ministry for Law (Attorney-General and Secretary of State)
Federal Ministry for National Defence (Secretary of State)
Federal Ministry for Civil Defence (Secretary of State)
Federal Ministry for Public Security (Secretary of State)
Federal Ministry for the Treasury (Secretary of State)
Federal Ministry for Education and Public Enlightenment (Secretary of State)
Federal Ministry for Trade (Secretary of State)
Federal Ministry for Transport (Secretary of State)
  • Federal agencies with ministry-level status—
Federal Bank of Russia (Chairman)
Office of the Federal Auditor-General (Auditor-General)
Office of the Federal Ombudsman-General (Ombudsman-General)
Federal Agency for Energy and Critical Infrastructure (Secretary of State)
Federal Agency for Environmental Protection (Secretary of State)
Federal Agency for Coast and Border Guard (Secretary of State)
Federal Agency for Immigration and Customs (Secretary of State)

Federal Courts[edit | edit source]

Main article: Federal Judiciary of Russian DFR

At the Federal level, judicial Power is vested in the federal Courts of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic, which consist of three different Courts, namely the Supreme Court of the RDFR, the Circuit Court of the RDFR, and the District Court of the RDFR. The Supreme Court has administrative oversight over all federal Courts in the RDFR.

Supreme Court

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Main article: Supreme Court of the Russian DFR

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The Verkhovnyy Sud building, seat of the Supreme Court of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic, the highest Court in all of the RDFR.

The Supreme Court of Russia (Верховный Суд России), offically the “Supreme Court of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic” (Верховный Суд Российской Демократической Федеративной Республики), is the final Court of last resort, as well as the final appellate Court in the Russian Federal judiciary. The Supreme Court consists of fifteen judges, styled “Lawspeaker”, one of which who presides over the Court as Chief Lawspeaker. The person holding the post of Chief Lawspeaker is the titular head of the Russian Federal judiciary.

The Court is also the final interpreter of the Russian Federal Constitution and of the constitutionality of Federal laws with respect to the Federal Constitution. The Supreme Court has limited Power to strike down Regional laws, only able to do so where a Regional constitutional provision or law conflicts with the Federal Constitution or Federal law.

Circuit Court

Main article: Circuit Court of the Russian DFR

The Circuit Court of Russia (Кругооборотй Суд России), officially the “Circuit Court of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic” (Кругооборотй Суд Российской Демократической Федеративной Республики), is an intermediate appellate Court, but it is not a trial court. This Court can only review civil and criminal cases tried in District Court and, in certain circumstances, Regional Court, but only where there is a Federal question present. The Circuit Court is divided into 14 regional Circuits, and each Circuit encompasses seven Regions and the District Court divisions conterminous with each of those eight Regions.

District Court

Main article: District Court of the Russian DFR

The District Court of Russia (Окружный Суд России), officially the “District Court of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic” (Окружный Суд Российской Демократической Федеративной Республики), is the Federal-level trial Court, and has limited jurisdiction over a few civil and criminal Matters under Federal law; all other Federal civil and criminal Matters not assigned to this Court by the Federal Duma are devolved by the same to the Courts of the several Regions. The District Court is constituted as a single Court, but with a number of divisions equal to the number of Regions. Usually, a District Court division is based in a Region’s capital city, but in more populous Regions the Court for that Region may meet in additional places.

Regions[edit | edit source]

Main article: Constituent entities of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic

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The Russian DFR is a Federal republic composed of one hundred sixty-six self-governing federated Regions. The Russian DFR focuses outwards, largely only dealing with foreign affairs, national defense, national security, and maintaining peace and harmony between the ninety-eight Regions and between them and the Federation; and the one hundred sixty-six Regions, respectively, focus inward, governing on all local matters, and on all other matters not expressly transferred by the Federal Constitution to Russia (the Federal sovereign).

The Russian Democratic Federative Republic is a federation of one hundred sixty-six nominally semi-autonomous Regions. Each Region of the Russian DFR is styled in the form “[Province/Federal City] of (name)”; and each has its own governing institutions consisting of legislative, executive, and judicial bodies that operate independently from those of the Federation and from those of the other Regions.

Additionally, the one hundred sixty-six Regions are not subordinated to the Federal head, nor is the Federation subordinate to the Regions. The Federation and the Regions are two halves of the same whole mass of sovereign Power: Each, when acting solely within its own remit, is supreme; when acting outside its remit, being totally unauthoritative; and neither the Federation nor the Regions may reduce the other to itself.

List[edit | edit source]

Flag Seal Name (EN) Name (RU) Capital Area (км²) Pop / км² GSP p/c
ZK-AZ seal.svg
Azerbaijan Азербайджан Baku areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-AL seal.svg
Altai Алтайская capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-AMU seal.png
Amur Амурская capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-ARK seal.svg
Arkhangelsk Архангельская Arkhangelsk areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
ZK-AR seal.svg
Armenia Армения Yerevan areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-AST seal.svg
Astrakhan Астраханская capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-BA seal.svg
Bashkortostan Башкортостан capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
SV-BY seal.svg
Belarus Беларусь Minsk areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-BEL seal.svg
Belgorod Белгородская Belgorod areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-BRY seal.svg
Bryansk Брянская Bryansk areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-BU seal.svg
Buryatia Бурятия capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-VGG seal.svg
Volgograd Волгоградская Volgograd areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-VLG seal.svg
Vologda Вологодская Vologda areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-VOR seal.svg
Voronezh Воронежская Voronezh areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
ZK-GE seal.svg
Georgia Грузиния Tbilisi areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-DA seal.svg
Dagestan Дагестан capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-ZAB seal.svg
Zabaykalia Забайкалья capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-IVA seal.svg
Ivanovo Ивановская Ivanovo areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-ING seal.svg
Ingria Ингрия Inzhegrad areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-IRK seal.svg
Irkutsk Иркутская Irkutsk areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-KB seal.svg
Kabardia Кабардия capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
TF-KZ seal.svg
Kazakhstan Казахстан Astana areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-KL seal.svg
Kalmykia Калмыкия capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-KLU seal.svg
Kaluga Калужская capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-KAM seal.svg
Kamchatka Камчатская Petropavlovsk areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-KC seal.svg
Karachay-Cherkessia Карачаево-Черкесии capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-KR seal.svg
Karelia Карелия capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-KIR seal.svg
Kirov Кировская Kirov areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-KO seal.svg
Komi Коми capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-KDA seal.svg
Krasnodar Краснодарская Sochi areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-KYA seal.svg
Krasnoyarsk Красноярская Krasnoyarsk areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
UA-KRM seal.svg
Crimea Крым Sevastopol areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-KGN seal.svg
Kurgan Курганская capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-KRS seal.svg
Kursk Курская Kursk areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
TF-KG seal.svg
Kyrgystan Кыргызстан Bishkek areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
BA-LV seal.svg
Latvia Латвия Riga areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
BA-LT seal.svg
Lithuania Лиетува Vilnius areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-LIP seal.svg
Lipetsk Липецкая Lipetsk areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
SV-MD seal.svg
Moldova Молдавия Chisinau areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-MO seal.svg
Mordovia Мордовия capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-MUR seal.svg
Murmansk Мурманская Murmansk areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
Nizhny Novogorod
RU-NIZ seal.svg
Nizhny Novgorod Нижегородская Nizhegrad areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-NGR seal.svg
Novgorod Новгородская Novgorod areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-ORE seal.svg
Orenburg Оренбургская Orenburg areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-ORL seal.svg
Oryol Орёлская Oryol areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-OS seal.svg
Ossetia Осетия capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-PNZ seal.png
Penza Пензеская capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-PER seal.svg
Perm Пермская Perm areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-MSK seal.svg
Podmoskovye Подмосковья capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-PRI seal.svg
Primorksy Приморская Vladivostok areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-ROS seal.png
Rostov Ростовская Rostov-on-Don areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-RYA seal.png
Ryazan Рязанская Ryazan areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-SAM seal.png
Samara Самарская capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-SAR seal.svg
Saratov Саратовская capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-SAK seal.svg
Sakhalin Сахалинская capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-SVE seal.svg
Sverdlovsk Свердловская capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-SBR seal.svg
Siberia Сибирская capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-SMO seal.svg
Smolensk Смоленская Smolensk areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-STA seal.svg
Stavropol Ставропольская Stavropol areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
TF-TJ seal.svg
Tajikistan Таджикистан Dushanbe areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-TAM seal.svg
Tambov Тамбовская capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-TA seal.svg
Tatarstan Татарстан capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-TVE seal.png
Tver Тверская capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-TUL seal.png
Tula Тульская capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
TF-TM seal.svg
Turkmenistan Туркменистан Ashgabat areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-TY seal.svg
Tyva Тыва capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-UD seal.svg
Udmurtia Удмуртия capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
Coat of Arms of Uzbekistan.svg
Uzbekistan Узбекистан Tashkent areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
SV-UA seal.svg
Ukraine Украина Kyiv areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-ULY seal.png
Ulyanovsk Ульяновская Ulyanovsk areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-KHA seal.png
Khabarovsk Хабаровская Khabarovsk areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-CHE seal.svg
Chelyabinsk Челябинская Chelyabinsk areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-CE seal.svg
Chechnya Чечня Grozny areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-CU seal.svg
Chuvashia Чувашия capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-CHU seal.svg
Chukotka Чукотская Magadan areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
BA-EE seal.svg
Estonia Эстония Tallinn areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-SA seal.svg
Yakutia Якутия Yakutsk areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-YAM seal.svg
Yamalia Ямалия capital areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
RU-YAR seal.png
Yaroslav Ярославская Yaroslav areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp
Russian Democratic Federative Republic
RuDFR arms-Federal Arms (166-stars).svg
Russia Россия Petrograd areakm pop denskm ₪ gsp

Government[edit | edit source]

Legislature[edit | edit source]

Main article: Regional parliament (Russian DFR)


Executive[edit | edit source]

Main article: Regional knyaz (Russian DFR)


Judicial[edit | edit source]

Main article: Regional court (Russia)


Geography[edit | edit source]

Main article: Geography of the Russian DFR

File:KB-RU map-relief.png
The topography of the Russian DFR

The Russian Democratic Federative Republic is the second largest country on Kobol, boasting more than 17 million square kilometres of territory. The only country larger than Russia is the United Aegean Republic. From Pskov in the west to Chukotka in the east, the Federation spans nine time zones, or a span of a little less than one-half the circumference of Kobol; the total area of the Federation is 17,060,300 square kilometres (6,587,019 mi²). In the Russian DFR, there are 23 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Russia, 40 UNESCO biosphere reserves, NUM national parks and 101 nature reserves.

Russia has a wide natural resource base, including major deposits of timber, petroleum, natural gas, coal, platinum, gold, iron, uranium, tiberium, ores and other mineral resources.

Protected areas[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Protected areas of the Russian DFRNational Parks of the Russian DFR, and National Forests of the Russian DFR

Topography[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Topography of the Russian DFR and Mountains of the Russian DFR

File:Elbrus North 195.jpg
Lonely Mountain, the highest point of the Caucasus, Russia and Europa

Most of Russia consists of vast stretches of plains that are predominantly steppe to the south and heavily forested to the north, with tundra along the northern coast. Russia possesses 10% of the planet's arable land. Mountain ranges are found along the southern borders, such as the Caucasus (containing Lonely Mountain, which at 5,642 m (18,510 ft) is the highest point in both Russia and Europa) and the Altai (containing Mount Belukha, which at the 4,506 m (14,783 ft) is the highest point of Siberia outside of the Russian Far East); and in the eastern parts, such as the Verkhoyansk Range or the volcanoes of Kamchatka Peninsula (containing Klyuchevskaya Sopka, which at the 4,750 m (15,584 ft) is the highest active volcano in Eurasia as well as the highest point of Oriential Russia). The Ural Mountains, rich in mineral resources, form a north-south range that divides Europa and Orientia.

Russia has an extensive coastline of over 37,000 km (22,991 mi) along the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, as well as along the Baltic Sea, Sea of Azov, Black Sea and Caspian Sea. The Barents Sea, White Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, East Siberian Sea, Chukchi Sea, Bering Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, and the Sea of Japan are linked to Russia via the Arctic and Pacific. Russia's major islands and archipelagos include Novaya Zemlya, the Franz Josef Land, the Severnaya Zemlya, the New Siberian Islands, Wrangel Island, the Kuril Islands, and Sakhalin. The Diomede Islands (one controlled by Russia, the other by Alaska of the United States) are just 3 km (1.9 mi) apart, and Kunashir Island is about 20 km (12.4 mi) from Hokkaido, Japan.

Russia has thousands of rivers and inland bodies of water, providing the Federation with one of the planet’s largest surface water resources. Russia’s lakes contain approximately one-quarter of the planet’s liquid fresh water. The largest and most prominent of Russia’s bodies of fresh water is Lake Baikal, the planet’s deepest, purest, oldest and most capacious fresh water lake. Baikal alone contains over one-fifth of Kobol’s fresh surface water. Other major lakes include Ladoga and Onega, two of the largest lakes in Europe. Of the Federation's 100,000 rivers, the Volga is the most famous, not only because it is the longest river in Europe, but also because of its major role in Russian history. The Siberian rivers Ob, Yenisey, Lena and Amur are among the longest rivers in the world.

Geology[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Geology of the Russian DFRVolcanoes of the Russian DFREarthquakes in the Russian DFRMining industry of the Russian DFR, and Petroleum industry of the Russian DFR


Natural hazards[edit | edit source]

Main article: Natural hazards in the Russian DFR

The Russian DFR is prone to destructive earthquakes in the Caucasus, Sakha-Baikal, Sakhalin, and Kamchatka-Kuril regions. The country is also rather volcanically active in the Caucasus, Kamchatka-Kuril, and Baikal regions.

Natural and mineral resources[edit | edit source]


Climate[edit | edit source]

Main article: Climate of the Russian DFR

The enormous size of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic and the remoteness of many areas from the sea result in the dominance of the humid continental climate, which is prevalent in all parts of the Federation except for the tundra and the extreme southeast. Mountains in the south obstruct the flow of warm air masses from the Indian Ocean, while the plain of the west and north makes the Federation open to Arctic and Atlantic influences.

Most of Northern European Russia and Siberia has a subarctic climate, with extremely severe winters in the inner regions of Northeast Siberia (mostly the Yakut Republic, where the Northern Pole of Cold is located with the record low temperature of −71.2 °C or −96.2 °F), and more moderate elsewhere. The strip of land along the shore of the Arctic Ocean, as well as the Russian Arctic islands, have a polar climate.

The coastal part of Krasnodar on the Black Sea, most notably in the province’s capital of Sochi, possesses a humid subtropical climate with mild and wet winters. Winter is dry compared to summer in many regions of East Siberia and the Far East, while other parts of the country experience more even precipitation across seasons. Winter precipitation in most parts of the Federation usually falls as snow. The region along the Lower Volga and Caspian Sea coast, as well as some areas of southernmost Siberia, possesses a semi-arid climate. Template:Weather box

Throughout much of the Federation there are only two distinct seasons—winter and summer—as spring and autumn are usually brief periods of change between extremely low temperatures and extremely high. The coldest month is January (February on the coastline), the warmest usually is July. Great ranges of temperature are typical. In winter, temperatures get colder both from south to north and from west to east. Summers can be quite hot, even in Siberia. The continental interiors are the driest areas.

Biodiversity[edit | edit source]

Main articles: List of ecoregions in the Russian DFRList of mammals of the Russian DFR, and List of birds of the Russian DFR


Foreign relations[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Foreign relations of the Russian DFR and Foreign policy of the Russian DFR


Defense and homeland security[edit | edit source]

Main article: Ministry of Defence and Emergency Situations (Russian DFR)


Military of Russia[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Russian DFR Armed ServicesRussian Federal ArmyRussian Federal NavyRussian Federal Air Force, and Russian DFR Strategic Rocket Forces

The Russian DFR military have global reach, able to deploy or strike any point on Kobol with relative ease.

Emergency management[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Emergency management in the Russian DFR and Civil defense in the Russian DFR


Law enforcement[edit | edit source]

Main article: Law enforcement in the Russian DFR

Pursuant to the Basic Law of the Russian Democratic Federative Republic, the Regions respectively retain primary competence over the police Power. The police forces of each Region enforce both Regional and Federal law.

Economy[edit | edit source]

Main article: Economy of the Russian DFR


Agriculture[edit | edit source]

Main article: Agriculture sector of the Russian DFR


Industry[edit | edit source]

Main article: Industry sector of the Russian DFR


Infrastructure[edit | edit source]

Main article: Infrastructure of the Russian DFR


Science and technology[edit | edit source]


Transportation[edit | edit source]

Main article: Transportation in the Russian DFR


Energy[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Energy in the Russian DFREnergy policy of the Russian DFR, and Electricity sector of the Russian DFR


Telecommunications[edit | edit source]

Main article: Telecom in the Russian DFR


Manufacturing[edit | edit source]

Main article: Manufacturing sector of the Russian DFR


Services[edit | edit source]

Main article: Service sector of the Russian DFR


Space exploration[edit | edit source]


Business climate[edit | edit source]


Taxation[edit | edit source]

Main article: Taxation in the Russian DFR


Tourism[edit | edit source]

Main article: Tourism in the Russian DFR


Demographics[edit | edit source]

Main article: Demographics of the Russian DFR


Largest cities[edit | edit source]

Main article: List of cities in the Russian DFR with a population above 10,000


Urbanization[edit | edit source]

Main article: Urbanization in the Russian DFR


Language[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Russian language and Languages of the Russian DFR


Religion[edit | edit source]

Main article: Religion in the Russian DFR


Health[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Health and care in the Russian DFR and Provincial health services in the Russian DFR


Education[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Education in the Russian DFR and Education policy of the Russian DFR


Age and gender[edit | edit source]


Ethnic groups[edit | edit source]

Main article: Ethnic groups of the Russian DFR


Immigration and emigration[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Immigration to the Russian DFRIllegal immigration to the Russian DFR, and Immigration policy of the Russian DFR


Wealth[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Wealth in the Russian DFR and Poverty in the Russian DFR


Culture[edit | edit source]

Main article: Culture of the Russian DFR


Folk culture[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Russian traditions and values and Folk culture of the Russian DFR


Etiquette[edit | edit source]

Main article: Etiqutte of the Russian DFR

Russian society is very formal. XXXX

Cuisine[edit | edit source]

Main article: Cuisine of the Russian DFR


Architecture[edit | edit source]

Main article: Architecture of the Russian DFR


Visual arts[edit | edit source]


Theatre[edit | edit source]

Main article: Theatre in the Russian DFR


Music and dance[edit | edit source]

Main article: Music of the Russian DFR


Literature and philosophy[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Literature in the Russian DFR and Russian philosophy


Cinema, animation and media[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Cinema in the Russian DFR and Media in the Russian DFR


Sports[edit | edit source]

Main article: Sport in the Russian DFR


National holidays and symbols[edit | edit source]

Main articles: Holidays in the Russian DFR and Symbols of the Russian DFR


Tourism[edit | edit source]


See also[edit | edit source]


Notes[edit | edit source]